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fuori dalle palle

italian slang for "get the fuck out of the way", literally means "out of the balls"

fuori dalle palle! I need to get some things done first

I don't want you in here anymore, fuori dalle palle!

by makefedrighiof June 10, 2019

in mezzo le palle

Literally "in the middle of the balls" in Italian, its what you say to some one when they are in the way. The allusion is is that they are in between your testicles, but nonetheless, girls often use this expression too.

I'm gonna go over there, I'm going to beat the shit out of Brice and Justin with this bat, and if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better not get in mezzo le palle

by Vinny Razz August 5, 2011

1👍 5👎

siete due palle

It literally says “you are two balls!” Meaning 2 people that are annoying.

Child:Io e mio fratello vogliamo il gelato!
Dad:Voi siete due palle eh

by The Italian-Romanian guy. August 1, 2023


The deffinition of palle means balls but in italian cause its funny

here a expaple

Ao ammaza quella palle

Witch means wow thats are some great balls

by iwasboredreallyboredffs October 7, 2023

skalle palle

a word used to describe bald men or boys, mostly spoken by kids making fun of adults and kids with cancer. but we like skalle palles

haha look at that skalle palle

by Garlic Bread5 December 3, 2021


The word palls originated from Mongolia where supreme leader Mandingo ruled from 1735-1769, used this term to describe his massive dong Kong penis

That man has a palls penis

by That’ nigga 27 December 17, 2019