Source Code

Room Rotter

A room rotter is a person who has spent most of their teenage life or childhood in their room as opposed to going out in the world. Room rotters most often have online friends, and while they can be miserable living life the way they do, it's not always necessarily the case. Some vastly enjoy it.

A: Have you seen C around lately?
B: Nah she's a total room rotter

by currysandwhichrabbit September 20, 2022


Derogatory term for a moderator. It is often shortened to the slang word 'rotter'. A rotterator (or rotter) thinks that he is improving the world through censorship, but the reality is that he and the site he is censoring is in fact rotting away (hence the term). Those with a better perspective than a typical rotterator (or rotter) realize that censorship should never be an indulgence, but only a necessary evil.

The forum's most infamous rotterator (or rotter) could not cope with being unable to delete negative comments about him on another forum where here lacked moderating permissions.

by TwistedSlogans November 7, 2015

pot rotter

When there’s thousands of jobs and you keep complaining there are none?!?!

I can’t decide if I should get a job , so right now I’m content with not being able to take a shit like the rest of the other pot rotters?!?!

by PrincessCockWhore1 August 20, 2019


A sucker who rots; Fickim'

"You rotter totted my tot!"

by Cuppa Prasadh February 13, 2022

Schrodingers’ Rotter

When you left your living space your roommate was rotting, and continually has the habit of rotting, your roommate is simultaneously in a state of rotting and not-rotting until you confront them about what they’ve been doing the last 9 hours.

Friend 1: “Hey man what’s ur roomate up to”
Friend 2: “I don’t know, he was rotting when I left, so I guess it’s just a Schrodingers’ Rotter situation”
Friend 1: “What’s Schrodingers’Rotter”
Friend 2: When you left your living space your roommate was rotting, and continually has the habit of rotting, your roommate is simultaneously in a state of rotting and not-rotting until you confront them about what they’ve been doing the last 9 hours.

by bigleftnut49 May 18, 2024

Rotters Jock

A strange black fungus lying in the crevis of your pelvis, resulting in a sicking rotting smell and large fungus stacks. Often mistaken with Gonorrhea.

My underwear is wet and now I have contracted Rotters Jock

by Denislovesrashers September 8, 2020


When your jocks get right manky. Often described as an odd fungal growth.

Not lethal, but the smell.....

"Jaysus, he was out hiking for the weekend and came back with a baaaad case of Rotters-Jock."

by Beamish-Miester September 8, 2020