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adj. -- Rurnt, out of place, sickening, doesn't fit.

Garrett and Heather were being fungally rurnt on the bus.

by Sarah March 16, 2005

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fungalate basically means to have three dots in a triangular shape drawn on your arm.

"Hey, Jim, Wanna fungalate with me?"
"Oh don't worry. Me and Bill have already fungalated. It doesn't hurt."

by Katrina n Georgie November 8, 2006


when you die before pulling any bitches but you also have foot fungus

maia: hey sofia do you have fungalitis
sofia: ya bro i get no bitches and my foot is nasty as fuck bruh

by fartlicker69 May 18, 2022

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When you hate someone at first but they start to grow on you.

"I hate Ariana" "i did too, but she's fungal"

by Edubb23 January 29, 2019

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fungal tunnel

An infection of the vagina caused by the same fungus that causes Athlete's foot (tinea pedis). Also known by the names tinea twat and Athlete's vag. This highly contagious condition is often spread by cougars.

1. Mike accidentally put his dick in a fungal tunnel. He now has jock itch.

2. That cougar's tinea twat spread the infection to Jeremy's cock, thanks to her rank fungal tunnel.

by vagdoc October 13, 2011

Fungal Slut

A sweaty, sexually promiscuous woman that suffers from severe fungal infections due to sexual transmission or poor hygiene.

Kate is a smelly fungal slut; she has mold growing out of her armpits.

by Sussus Hapus July 2, 2021

fungal friendly

People who are open to using or being around people using magic mushrooms, i.e. boomers, shrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelic mushrooms, or fungi that contain psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, psilocin, or muscimol.

I am looking to hook up with people who are fungal friendly for some serious partying.

by Ncy January 6, 2007