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Stupid Ass Test to get into gay ass colleges.

Man I failed the damn SAT. Oh well, there's always community college.

by Bakalaka October 10, 2006

628๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž


Suck Ass Test

Teacher- We're about to take the SAT this week class.
student- Ah, good 'ole Suck Ass Test.

by sarapppp April 19, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A retarded test a High School Junior or Senior takes in order for Colleges to judge how stupid or smart you are.

The SAT is a load of shit like the rest of the "educational system."

by Vict3rReznov May 15, 2021


1.Suck Ass Test
2. The Stupid Ass Test that everyone HATES! and it is annoying to Seniors, Juniors, and to some other people who's parents are annoying them ahead of time about it!!!!!
3.something that will mess up your whole life if you fail this horribly!

1.I wonder if the test will be gone if 50 people killed themselves so the SAT will be gone.

by Liquid Tang March 31, 2005

336๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


A waste of time test that instills fear and panic in many worthless teenagers. Those who give a shit not about this quizzical test are the ones to look out for, they should be boned frequently.

Fuck the SATs I just wanna grow up and be a travel bum anyway.

by Dutch May 2, 2003

112๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stupid Asshole Test. A fucking MATH and VOCABULARY test that FUCKS millions of kids each year out of $150 million each year. And another $100 million for the prep courses. The test doesnt mean SHIT. FUCKING ASSHOLES think the test is gods greatest gift to man. These COCK SUCKERS who dont find anything wrong with the test need to GET THAT FUCKING COCK OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS because they are so FUCKING RETARTED. And these FUCKING CUNTS need to drop the FUCK dead.

I wiped my fucking ass with my SAT scores.

My kid got fucked by the SAT.

by Andy June 27, 2004

273๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


A test given by a PRIVATE company whose soul insterest in making money. The SAT used to only have two secions in which they could not rape you with bias, because it was only multiple choice. NOW the SAT has a writing section. If you write something the conservative christian graders disagree with, they will give you a zero out of 12. Make sure you write something that will kiss "god's" ass.

My essay for the SAT was so fucking good, but I got raped by the conservative christian graders because I said that religion failed.

by a smart person who deserved a 12 on the essay July 6, 2006

268๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž