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Spring thaw

When you put ice cubes inside your partners orafice (anus or vagina) and pee inside of it to thaw the ice.

Dude I totally spring thawed that guy I met on Grindr last night.

by Reincarnatedsloth July 22, 2017

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thawing out

After you get done masturbating and wait for your dick to get soft

I was thawing out as I was cleaning up

by HailSatanx666x May 11, 2015

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a slang word for the act of thawimg in cold water

place frozen meat in a bowl or sink with cold water to de-thaw.

by T/N/T June 22, 2011

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klow thaw

A male whom testicles are smaller then his finger. This male define himself as a transgender gay, who is most likely to get into trouble with the female species because he has stolen their man.

Hey are you a girl or a boy? I'm neither, I'm a klow thaw

by Klow thaw September 24, 2017

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Winter-Thaw: An ex contacts you "post-cuffing season" and wants to re-kindle your relationship following the break-up of their "cuff buddy".

A "cuff buddy" can be designated as a significant relationship, an old friends with benefits, or even a previous summer romance.

It is a desperate attempt for a pathetic old flame to spark the fire again in a relationship to fuel their own selfish needs to make themselves feel better about their past mistakes.

"Hey, can you believe that {insert a mean name for your ex} texted me?".
"Of course, its the Winter-Thaw!".

"Soooo, I've been really missing and thinking about {insert exes name}".
"Really, why? Didn't you say they were a piece of shit that you'd never talk to again?".
"Welllllll, they weren't that bad.....I'm gonna text them.".
"That's the Winter-Thaw.".

by LunchmanSpecial March 22, 2019

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Thaw Out

An imperative statement usually directed towards someone making a big deal of something.

"Dude, thaw out"

by Christ Gajewski August 19, 2011

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spring thaw

1) A group of young girls who have just attained a lust for casual sex

2) A group of girls who have started to have casual sex

3) when a female becoems of legal age to have intercourse, and one may brag to the police about them without fear of arrest.

Hey, the've just had thier spring thaw, said the 12 year old boy to another, fuck time!

by Kung-Fu Jesus June 3, 2004

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