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stumbling distance

A distance that can be traveled on foot when drunk. Often stumbling occurs which slows down the process.

Guy 1: Want to go to the pub?

Guy 2: Nah, let's just drink at the sports bar, it is within stumbling distance from my house.

by AtlasRider July 24, 2009

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Stumble Upon

The most addicting website ever.

I spent 36 hours on Stumble Upon.

by MeowMixMuncher December 29, 2010

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Stumble of Drunks

A gathering of inebriated people. Just as a gathering of geese is known as a "Gaggle", a gathering of drunks is a "Stumble".

The bartender refused to serve the stumble of drunks at the bar.

by DesertLord June 19, 2012

Stumble Rape

V. when someone rapes your stumble upon while your not on, so when you come back you have 50 stumbles sent to yourself

I saw the black guy meme and decided to stumble rape abby while playing her in stumble TAG.

by NADG January 25, 2011

wiki stumble

When using Wikipedia, you accidently click on a link to another article that provides you with a piece of information that is extremely useful to your current situation. This accident is very useful when doing research on an assignment, where that information helps you to earn another few marks.

That wiki stumble led me to find out about EU emission trading scheme. Top marks here I come.

by Mb500 March 1, 2009

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stumble biscuit

A cookie, biscuit, or other baked good whose ingredients include some type of hallucinogenic drug, usually marajuana.

Everything was going fine at the Steve Perry concert until that lunatic, all hopped up on stumble biscuits, threw his light stick up on stage.

by Talbert April 10, 2007

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Thumb Stumble

Sending an incomplete message while texting because your thumb accidentally hits the send key.

Sorry for the Thumb Stumble, I meant to say "assume", not "ass".

by Palmer White September 3, 2015

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