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short for transgender gay basically the man version of transbian

bob: soo what are you?
bob2: tray

by veehehehe July 9, 2019


Short for trailer. Describes something extremely third-world and utterly ghetto.

That dump on Green Street you used to rent is pretty damned tray.

by Tray Lord June 13, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tray is the cute girl translation for the fat girl name of Tracey. Tray is the female you invite to a party when you plan on getting so sloppy you can't walk home. this female can down a fifth and the navigate the GPS all the way home. In a fight, if you get first pick, pick tray.

"I have no clue how I got home last night, but I'm pretty sure Tray carried me for 6 blocks"

by Chaddington January 26, 2017

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A word to describe a fat, big breasted woman. To understand where it came from, just think of a hotdog seller at a game of football, they carry those trays around. Now imagine they pull their shirt over the top of that tray. Bingo, you have the square shaped breasts.

"Oh no....tray set us so much maths homework"

by JR January 29, 2005

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Fudge Tray

The center of the anus

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both
He licked her Fudge Tray clean.

by FudgetrayMcgee April 14, 2014

cheese tray

Just like a cheese tray, to be passed around, and everyone has a slice,meaning to be a "player" or "whore".

"Roxanne is such a cheese tray", said Veronica ashamely.

by scotti the impressionist February 10, 2015

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Cake tray

Related to the Muffin top but extra. Wobbly bits that wobble, especially over jeans. Eurgh!

" Buy some jeans that fit you, your wobbly cake tray looks minging " " I have cake tray syndrome, i can get away with it " " Sap "

by Lauryn.Sparkles February 13, 2010

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