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Uncultured swine

Dumb af and uncultured and swine-looking

“Jonathan García looked acted like an uncultured swine about Fortnite set ups

by Swinewine holly molly May 1, 2019

Uncultured Swine

People who are stupid and don’t know how to use words from their time or don’t remember/know bomb-ass tv shows, toys, movies, games, etc from their TIME or generation.

me: omg do you remember this movie?

person: No, i’ve never seen it??

me: are you kidding? you uncultured swine.

by taybrizo May 13, 2020

Uncultured Dorito

Uncultured orange tanning bitch!!

Boy:"you are an uncultured Dorito!"
Girl:" so you think I'm a uncultured orange tanning bitch or…"
Boy:" no you just don't understand"

by Donnnny August 24, 2014

4👍 1👎

Uncultured Swine

Chad, or a man who is so uncultured that he won't understand any slang

The uncultured swine didn't understand what "REKT" meant

by Wowza batman June 11, 2017

30👍 22👎

uncultured swine

A scientific term describing a person who does not eat their pizza crust. This is especially true if said person eats the entire pizza minus the outside crust in one sitting.

Only an uncultured swine would eat an entire pizza minus the crust.

by Flour Power November 29, 2017

39👍 41👎

uncultured swine

apparently you

for not knowing what that means

you: what does "uncultured swine" mean

person: *spits tea* smh yoh uncultured swine

by idontlikethis December 16, 2021

7👍 6👎

Uncultured Swine

Someone who is uncultured and/or an disliked person

"Wow, Owen is such an Uncultured swine" Reese says

by Tokyo_Assassin March 19, 2018

8👍 8👎