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The noise that is made when you choke whilst sucking your own penis. A word created by Reina Scully.

Reina: Hey, Garcia! I can hear you garcing from the living room!!

by boylipsjunior March 31, 2016

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of sucking your own penis.

The sound made by sucking your own penis.

Reina: "Did you know Marilyn Manson can garc?"

by Prince of Walachia March 21, 2016


The sound that one makes when sucking his own dick. First used by Reina of SourceFed on the SourceFed Podcast.

Aww man sick are you garcing?

by TheSilentGarcer March 20, 2016


To perform felatio on oneself, an action than the will proceed to make the sound "garc"
Full credit to Reyna Skully

Marilyn Manson removed his bottom ribs so he could garc.

by Padlo March 20, 2016


To suck your own dick.

Related: Garcing - to garc.

Bro, can you garc?
I hear Marilyn Manson is a garcing connoisseur.

by Obbsandlala March 19, 2016


Someone who thinks he's THE MAN. frequently screams "Babbbbyyyyyyy!!!!" in the hallway for no reason. Also, doesn't have a license or job and feeds off of his friends for rides and money. thinks he is the best at Call of Duty Black Ops and NHL. Obessessed over the rapper Lil Wayne (Weezy). thinks he's jacked, but really isn't. One vote for class intellect. Commonly uses phrases such as "Yeah me too", "koipsh", "the need???", "sircies".


person 1: Babbbyyyyy!!!!

person 2: don't be such a Garc


person 1: sircies im nasty at Black Ops. My KD is over 2.8 and you don't even wanna know how nasty i am at NHL.

person 2: Oh Yeah me too koipsh


person 1: yo lemme get a ride to the game.

person 2: Get ur license and a job you Garc!!

person 1: koipsh?

by TheThunderDome December 19, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you suck your own dick

That guy's probably garcing right now. Ew

by Reina Scully March 25, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž