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A very gay operating system.

Mac OS x kicks Window's ass. That's why Windows' rectum always hurts! :-)

by eura phagg January 8, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


the worst operating system in the world. almost everyone either hates it or doesn't care as long as their computer works. most people use it only because they don't want to take the time to learn Linux or some other form of Unix or BSD. it's horribly programmed, way overpriced, and it freezes all the time. anyone who doesn't have it on their computer is smart

1. Windows crashes every time i move the mouse.
2. Windows users are jealous of Linux users because Windows PCs can't go more than 4 hours without crashing, and Linux can run for days, months, possibly much longer.

by NetRAVEN5000 November 11, 2003

38๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


An operating system designed to make envious Mac users to boot up their useless systems and post pointless Anti-Windows sentiment on Urban Dictionary, only to find out they can't run anything except Garage Band.

I'm bored with Garage Band lets go on Urban Dictionary and Bash Windows.

by Inyerdreams February 18, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Windows is a gay, perverted, assholeistic, minging, wanking, twating poor excuse for an OS.
Created by the worlds biggest asshole Bill Gates who thinks he can premote his company by donating money to charity.
Windows is the most unstable OS you will ever come across with its frequent crashes, spyware, viruses not to mention the tonnes of other shit that can infect it.
One question "Why with all the different versions of Windows and tell people to buy it because its got better security and better stability, WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE IT SECURE AND STABLE IN THE 1ST PLACE U ASSHOLES?!"
Remember Kiddies, always use Linux ! :D

Guy 1: Hi
Guy 2: I just bought the new version of Windows !
Guy 1: Any Good ?
Guy 1: .....
Guy 1: ........
*Guy 2 Appears to be offline*
*Guy 2 Has Signed in*
Guy 1: Where did you go ?
Guy 2: My new version of Windows Crashed :(
Guy 1: Dude, you should seriously use Linux ยฌ_ยฌ

by shoon81 July 22, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


look up crap

damn my fucking windows has broke.

by bob saget June 22, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A new invention that lets you see thru walls.

Look thru that window.

by Shang November 13, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


the worst operating system you can buy. not only does it cost a lot of money, but if you don't have it running on a top-of-the-line computer, it sucks. those of you who say it doesn't freeze up probably haven't tried it on a 400 mHz laptop - which it should run on, according to the system requirements. contrary to popular belief, it is not easier to use than linux, mac os, or any other os because the reason people have such an easy time learning to use new versions of windows is because they are familiar with the old one, which is the same except for that lame prarie that it places on the desktop, along with some other aesthetical changes.

while windows has been around much longer, linux has grown so fast that people are already considering switching from windows. windows may have more programs and look better(? i don't think so but maybe some do), but linux has the edge on security and stability and does what it should - all of which is what most people want and what all should expect from an os.

1. microsoftie: if linux is better, then why hasn't everyone switched to linux?
thinking person: because most people just believe what they hear - they never try linux, they just believe what they hear about it.
2. microsoftie: windows xp doesn't cost that much, it's only $150. that's not bad.
thinking person: but you also have to buy antivirus protection and office xp, which together will cost about $300.

by NetRAVEN5000 August 30, 2004

43๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž