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Good luck fuck

Any sexual activity engaged in before a stressful event, such as an exam, performance, work obligation, etc. Often used to release tension, but really just an excuse to get laid.

Before her board exam, I sent her off with a good luck fuck.

by SecretlySexuallyTwisted December 29, 2011

11👍 10👎

fucking good

Something extremely good!

Ivan: Hey, William! How do you like our party?
William: Oh, it is fucking good, Ivan!!!

by SoopaBrainiac! April 12, 2007

59👍 22👎

good bottom fuck


To be honest as much of a pussy as leviathin is, he was a really good bottom fuck

by sum.fukn.dude May 24, 2022

5👍 4👎

feel fucking good

That experience where your mind, body and spirit are consumed by the feeling of having captured the essence of life. Usually fleeting.

Just ate poutine. I feel fucking good yo

by fershits&giggles December 4, 2015

1👍 1👎

fucking good music

Fantasmagorical music. Apparently Tooly put the F in the phrase.

This is fucking good music.

by Jeebus November 7, 2003

6👍 5👎

good enough to fuck your mother

When you feel so good that you can fuck somones mom.

Hey, How are you feelin Mac? GOOD ENOUGH TO FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!!!!! -Super troopers

by _Zd_ November 23, 2007

32👍 13👎