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The Big "O"

Roy Orbison - One of rock music's truly legendary figures.

Ooby Dooby: "you wiggle and you shake like a big rattlesnake."

by Triffid June 10, 2005

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Big O

A slow cooker for the manliest of all men. Formally known as the gobbler, now less gobbly and more meaty. A grill that will make your neighbor jealous of your life. (hide your wife, lol).

You're so manly bro, you probably own a big O.

by YoGobbleGobble May 28, 2019

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Really big organism.

I had a awesome orgasm last night when I was banging that chick, she had tits the size of melons.

by henry hendosome April 19, 2004

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big o

big o- rona's way of showing that his insanity can be expoenitally increased by not only knowing fans of the popular anime, but watching the show FLCL multiple times for it was origonally introduced to me by a big o fan.

no example

by Roan Dachmeth June 13, 2004

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big o

An Oscar (fish) with a rotting or decaying face. The face usually looks like it has holes in it. The fish often trys to ram his head into the glass of a fish tank in an attempt to glomp in your dufflebag.

"Did you see the Big-O last night? I nearly gaggled myself."

by Jennifer May 13, 2004

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Big O Plateau

The sustained high state of arousal a woman achieves after a lot of foreplay, that enables her to stay at this higher level of arousal long enough to have multiple orgasms of increasing duration and varying intensity.

After my new girlfriends first big o, I kept her on the big o plateau so she could achieve multiple orgasms for the first time ever.

by TallandThick July 8, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big o' tays

means big boobs. Friend was trying to say tig old bitties. But was super drunk and slurred his words to say big o'tays.

KPs got some big o' tays

by shawn March 29, 2004

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