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Big Brother

A widely used phrase from the book 1984 by George Orwell.

"Big Brother is watching you" read the poster Winston saw as he stared out of his window.

by linzii October 19, 2005

624πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž

Big Brother

A male who was born before you and related to you by blood. He is your best friend and sticks up for you. You can rely on him to lift you up when you are down, have your back when no one else does, and love you unconditionally. He gives you advice, even though you might not want to hear it. You are always in each other's lives, no matter what life throws your way.

I had a bad day at work, so I called my big brother and he cheered me up.

My big brother stood up for me when I was being bullied.

by LittleSis123 May 4, 2017

66πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Big Brother

A Body or Character, that exsists in the book 1984, who is said to be watching every citizen at any given moment in the state of oceanina, in order to keep to control of the governmental Party, it makes sure no-ones doing anything rather naughty, however this dystopian Character is pretty cool idea, Dutch People decided to take a massive shit on Mr orwell, and name a show after it, and fill the "big brother" house, full of social degenrates, Who either sit around, do fuck all, make a mess, or masturbate with strange looking objects, a great way to inprove the sellabillty of the show would be to scatter many weapons about the house, last man standing eats. the show being quite ironic as it being, because it destracts viewers from atcully thinking, being what the real concept of big brother was trying to do.

Me-"did you hear"
Me-"Orwell didn't die of TB,He Atcully shot himself in the head when he heard about the show big brother"
You-"he died in 1946"
Me-"oh........well he had a time machine"

by Andrew Ricardo May 23, 2006

63πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Big Brother

The one who by not being is and by not knowing knows and that, by not being or knowing, lives as the primal cause of everything and the final cause of nothing.

1984 dwells on the possibility of the Big brother.

by NΒΊ 333 January 1, 2012

Big Brother

1. Typically with lower-case initials, one's older sibling of the male sex.

2. Figurehead of the totalitarian government of the superstate of Oceania in George Orwell's final and most famous novel, 1984. Not an "actual" person in the world of the novel, rather a generic middle-aged male face staring out of countless posters, telescreens and so on. The accompanying legend reminds anyone present, "Big Brother is Watching You." Projects an image of the government as omnipresent, omniscient, and allegedly benign. Shortened to an affectionate "B.B." in the novel in colloquial speech, and in the daily ritual of the Two Minute Hate.

3. Figurative description of intrusive government or bureaucracy.

4. At least one television series of the genre known as "reality TV", in which an assorted group of people are obliged for a time to live together in a house being watched through cameras that broadcast their lives together to the watching public. Such a series is typically held as a competition where the public or a smaller group may vote a member out of the house at regular intervals, with a reasonably large cash prize awaiting the resident who stays longest.

Fred is Jeremy's big brother.

(Final line of novel): He loved Big Brother.

Big Brother is watching us again, so get your tax forms in on time.

I hope that harridan Jemima is voted out of the season of Big Brother as soon as possible.

by Fearman October 31, 2007

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Big Brother


Google is truly Big Brother.

by Googlesoft October 4, 2008

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

big brothering

The action of monitoring/spying someone in order to retrieve informations about him/her (i.e. About your tastes; see targeted ads; how often you use PC, etc...).
You'll usually see big brothering in computer science domain or even IRL like videos camera which prevents people from stealing, etc...

Microsoft is big brothering me with its spywares.

GATOR/Claria big brothered the users of its softwares.

Chinese governement big brothers their Internet users to prevent them from talking about them or about something against their principles.

Illuminatis wanna take control of the World by brothering anyone pretexting it'll struggle against crimes, terrorism.

by Renjida March 21, 2008

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž