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Sexual technique where multiple fingers are inserted into the vagina and anus of a girl, but from an angle such as would be used to hold a bowling ball. A slight variation on the shocker.

"I bowling-balled her for a few minutes after I pulled out."

"Oh baby, you know I always get off when you bowling-ball me."

"I bowling-balled her before we even kissed."

"I tried to bowling-ball my girlfriend, but she neglected to tell me she still had a tampon in."

Ted: "Mark, I totally bowling-balled your wife last night."
Mark: "Fuck you, bitch!"

by khol July 19, 2008

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The Bowling Ball

The Bowling Ball is used as an insult to a whore of a woman by inserting your middle finger and ring finger into a her vagina while stuffing your thumb in her anal cavity and heaving her into the alley. Also know as two in the Plum, thumb in the bum.

Yo did you hear that Dereks old lady cheated on him? Man he gave her the bowling ball and sent that bitch to tha curb!

by Mindtrix June 6, 2018

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Bowl balls

When you flush the toilet and your balls get stuck in the part of the bowl where the water goes down

Man I got bowl balls.

by Jerold deshotel January 6, 2021

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bowling balls

Dumb girls that come back after being treated like crap; you put your fingers in 'em, then when your done you throw them in the gutter, but they come back.

I humped this girl last moth and left without saying goodbye, now everytime I see her at the bar we go to her place and leave in the morning...she's one of my new bowling balls.

by David Kilpatrick December 7, 2006

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Bowling Balling

The act of standing on a big bowling ball

My friends and i went bowling balling yesterday

by The random guy in mars January 9, 2012

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Bowling Ball

An insult. Describes a person who gets treated badly or made fun of by "friends" and continues to hang out with them. The term was originaly part of a joke, the person was called a bowling ball, and when people asked why he was called that the response was "Because he gets fingered, thrown in the gutter, and then he comes back for more."

The term originated at Murdock High School in Winchendon Mass, in the year 2011

"Why does alex hang out with us? All we do is make fun of him."

"Thats why he is a bowling ball."

"Why is he a bowling ball?"

"Cause he gets fingered, thrown in the gutter, and then comes back for more."

by GRB123 August 15, 2011

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Bowling Ball Treatment

Thumb in the front and two in the back.

"Her ass is so worn out that in order to finger her I had to give her the bowling ball treatment."

by Dictionary DuChie July 14, 2012