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British lower class. Thought to as scum by all except themselves. Commonly seen congregating on council estates and outside "maccy D's" wearing nike, schott and a 9 inch thick gold chain.

Wayne Rooney. And a retard. Chavs suck.

by Jake Hill December 1, 2005

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A Guy who is 4-5 feet high and thinks he'se the biggest hardest guy in the world Becoz he Smokes Weed and Wearz Burbury

Chav : Ya Been To Mac Donalds?
Chav2: Its Safe
Chav3: Init
Chav4: Seen my New Burbury?
A chav Convo

by Fuckhabbo April 24, 2005

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These are invisilicant who usually stay in herds or flocks for protection. They also have very limited vocabulary that usually consists of 'fuckin cmon then, got any fags, init, phat, burbury, smash your face in, bling bling,fuck you, hate goths, hate emos, hate skaters, and hate chavs.

Chavs are all invislicants and ignoramouses.

by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz December 15, 2005

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Derived from Chatham in Kent, this term can be applied loosely to every culture with a nasty, thieving element. There are many variants of this creature but all are subject to the following commonalities:

Chavs are completely Amoral, having never been subjected to right and wrong by their inattentive, uncaring and often absent parents.

Chavs are part Magpie, evidentially supported by their love of all things shiny, or as vaccuous, illiterate street-slang would say 'Bling'. They can be seen twokking from the Jewelry counter in Argos/Index.

Whatever their ethnic background, Chavs have a built-in affinity to hip-hop/R&B, even if they are inherently racist (see the Scottish). They see their life as glamorous and cool.

Chavs are for the most part, extremely stupid. However, some of them render a form of low cunning, which can be misinterpreted as intelligence. However this is false. A Chav has no desire to better themself through honest means nor learn anything outside of car modification.

All chavs think that they are nails. Again, this is false. Sitting in a beaten up nova smoking lamberts does not precipitate a healthy body. The irony being that a Chav owns mainly sportswear, yet will only break a sweat if running from the police.

Chavs are incredibly fertile beasts, and are highly successful breeders. Where they come unstuck is having to look after the offspring which their 13 yr old drunken fumble produces. More often that not the child will crow to be a Chav, having received no more guidance on life than the parent.

Chavs have a fond love for cars, as well as a Vin Diesel fixation. Rather than buy a nice car to start with, a chav will spend all their dole and tax-free labouring cash on upgrading a 10 year old car with 200,000 miles on the clock. The end product will invariably be a luminous monstrosity with at least one serious collision to it's name.

Come back with my bumper, you fucking Chav thief.

by chavspotting April 27, 2004

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One of the major downfalls of Britain. Chavs have now become an epidemic by over-breeding and it will be a much more difficult task to rid Britain of these rodents.
Can be spotted wearing mainly fake versions of burberry, track suits which have been ucked into thier socks, white trainers and endless amounts of cheap gold argos rings and chains.
Seen with a high, tight ponytail/poker straight hair, fake tan and bad makeup. Will wear tracksuit bottoms/white skinny jeans and normally a plain top with a large poofy jacket. can wear either dolly shoes or desiegner trainers and emense amounts of, again, cheap gold argos jewelery.
additions to this can be chav babies (born and expecting), fags, cheap nd illegal alchahol, mobile phones and baseball caps and hoodie (both hood and cap worn at same time).
On thier own hey are safe but in large numbers be prepared.
The only way to rid Britain of these things is to show them that we are united and beat the shit out of them instead of trying to ignore them and walk away.
another way is to stop calling them chavs and instead call them somehing they would not want to be associated with although that may be difficult.
But keep in mind its good to kick them when they are down!

Chav: OI MATE!!! what the fuck you looking at!!! come on them! you think your so fucking hard init! fuck sake!
Man: *knocks chav out*

by Momiji1005 October 26, 2008

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a total cunt.

chav: ite wasteman.

adam: how's your 7 kids?

by adamisonfire18 August 5, 2008

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Why? i don't understand, surely these people must know they look like complete and utter twats. I mean can someone really dress like a retarded charity shop and expect people to accept them as they are...whats up with that. Any way i just have to say that one day i might decide to make things more interesting in life and go on a chav killing spree with a flamethrower and a staple gun.

Mr Green: lets go beat the shit out of that fucking chav!

Mr Blue: ok, but i get to use the sulphuric acid.

Mr Green: sure thing, i want to scalp him this time.

by luke xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx January 26, 2006

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