Source Code

The Cloud

A fairy-tail like place where computers work perfectly 100% of the time.

Servers never crash, applications run flawlessly, disks never fill up, and viruses cease to exist. Even user-error ceases to exist, because The Cloud won't let it.

Programmer: "Sir, our servers are slow, our application sucks, and our employees are idiots. Larry just ran DEL *.* in the system folder by accident!"

IT Manager: "Don't sweat it, man...we're moving TO THE CLOUD. Pretty soon we'll bring lawn-chairs to work and spend our work-week beatin' Asian kids at online poker."

User: "Wait...can The Cloud really fix all that? What about our broken app and all the viruses?"

Manager: "Never. Doubt. The Cloud."

User: "Well the marketing material does say even a monkey can do it. Step 1: Move to The Cloud. Step 2: Make it Rain on 'dem Hoes."

Manager: "Brilliant"

by Chikken24 April 15, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

in the clouds

A way of expressing how "high" you are

John: "That last hit got me wasted"
Tim: "Yeah, after that I'm in the clouds"

by Refelos November 20, 2010

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To be under the influence of marijuana, high, smoked out, ripped, blazed, etc

Pass the blunt I'm trying to get clouded!

by clouded_DC July 20, 2014

40๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

the cloud

What nerds call the internet.

Paul: I'll just find my daytimer and...

Dave: Daytimer?! What is this, 1965? I just sync my iPhone and my MacBook Air through the cloud!

by W_L March 3, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


To put or store (resources, software, and information) into a computing infrastructure over a network (typically the internet).

While at home I clouded my .mp3 files so that I could later access them at the library.

by mkladak March 19, 2012

69๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

The cloud

Storing data or files using a computer network anywhere other than on the computer device that your using.

In other words, a catch phrase that people will start using when they realise they don't need to store music or movies onto their ipod or PC.

I'll just watch that movie on the cloud.

by Borneo day trip April 22, 2010

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The cloud

Used to refer to the Internet, based on how it is depicted in network diagrams.

There's a wealth of information available in the cloud.

by cloudy08 July 17, 2008

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