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dude is another word for a person, male or female, a slang word for "friend" or buddy

hey dude where is yo car?
OMG, dude, you shoulda seen it!

by little toe December 17, 2004

99πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž



dude can be used anywhere 'man' can

Person A: DUDE! Ciara's so hot!
Person B: Yeah, except shes a dude.

by krevin June 3, 2007

24πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


1) Originally, β€œdude” meant a stuck up person who dressed overly well. It first emerged in the year 1883 in England.

2) Later it was used in the old west to mean a city person who moved to the west without actually know what he was doing. Synonymous with β€œcity-slicker”

3) Later, in California, the term changed from these insults to a term meaning any male, human or otherwise. Sometimes it is used in reference to tom-girls. Now, it is often used for emphasis as well.

β€œLook at that rich fellow; what a dude! Do you see the feather in his hat?”

β€œWhat’s that dude doing in these parts? I bet he can't even ride a horse!”

β€œHey dude, I missed you at the movies the other day!”

β€œDude, that's harsh.”

by past inside the present February 11, 2013

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Forget the fancy explanations for this. It simply replaces "man."

"Man it's hot." becomes: "Dude. It's hot"

"I failed my test. Man!" becomes: "I failed my test. Dude!"

by Curly lou July 20, 2012

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


dude is the most important word in the English language:
1) a gender-neutral term for anybody that is laid back in a humble-but-cool kind of way.

2) to get real about some particular thing
3) a sign of excitement about some particular thing
4) to bring out the humility and/or seriousness in others

1) a) hey dude, hows it going?

b) yeah he's a real dude kind of guy
2) dude where's my car???
3) a) dude! i just got the best idea!

b) duuuuuuuude. yes. we should totally do that
4) a) dude, who do you think you are, dude? you can't just do that and expect things to be alright

b) listen dude we got a problem here

by shaggymorphism October 27, 2021

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a camel's penis

hey, thats a dude

by zookeeper September 16, 2003

61πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


a word that i use a lot! an either gender neutral or masculine term (depending on surrounding words) that basically means a person.

Ex 1:
Girl 1: did you see that dude over there with the sub?
Girl 2: Yeah. nice beard!
Ex 2:
Me: OMG! dude! where did you get that hat!?!?!
Friend: I got it at icing. THERE WAS A SALE!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and Friend : EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
(okay thats a little too girly for my taste, but still a good example of how dude can b feminine)

by nuthead678 January 12, 2011

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