Source Code

Dirty Garth

A woman/man/other with a massively untamed bush approaches. You proceed to douse dat bush with honey. It is now conditioned. Beginning to comb the bush with your teeth, you indulge a little. You and your tongue begin to buzz, much like a bee. The trimming ensues. Only a true Dirty Garth can produce a perfectly sculpted Garden of Eden with the tenacious gnashing of his teeth alone. This process doubles as a dental hygiene session. Just before she cums, you shove 3 live bees up her asshole.

Girl 1: Wow, where did you get your pubes done?! They look fabulous.
Girl 2: This mystifying man from the pub last night, he gave me the dirtiest Dirty Garth I've ever had!

Girl 1: Amazing...Truely.

by TheFlattyLord April 23, 2022

Garth Marenghi

Fictional character devised by comedians Matt Holness and Richard Ayoade. Garth is a successful (but yet poorly skilled) horror writer and first appeared first appeared on stage with the Mighty Boosh during their Hen and Chicken residency.

Holness' Garth Marenghi appeared on Channel Four, UK Television in 2004 on a series called "Garth Marenghi's Darkplace which was a spoof of 70s and 80's Television shows written by Holness and Ayoade. In Darkplace, Garth (played by Holness) intern plays the character 'Dr. Rick Dagless M.D.' or 'Dag' as his "buddies" refer to him. He plays a Doctor in a hospital called 'Darkplace' where the gates of hell have been opened. The comical spoof sees Rick battling evil forces as well as tending to patients.

Channel Four have announced a Darkplace film and an interview series from Ayoade and Holness playing the Darkplace Characters.

"Greetings traveller, I'm Garth Marenghi. Most of you will probably know me already from my extensive canon of chillers."

by F-l-e-a August 19, 2006

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Garth Algar

Refers to "Garth Algar" from waynes world.

When someone does something so radical and awesume

Dude, that was so Garth Algar!

by Slintbug December 12, 2004

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Garth Dance

The Garth dance is a ritual of seduction that is performed to "foxy Lady" and involves much pelvic thrusting.

The Garth dance will make anyone SHWING.

by Foxeh. January 5, 2009

Garth Brooks

By far one of the best (and most known) country singers of the modern country era.

Garth Brooks is a good country artist.

by 1069 December 26, 2005

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Garth brooks

The absolute best musician of any time period. The man is a lyrical genius. He has had countless number 1 hits. Unprecedented 13 platinum albums. And quite possibly the best live entertainer to walk the planet. And to all you haters you might not like him but there's a reason he's the number 1 selling solo artist of all time. And yes that does include the king Elvis Presley

king of country Garth brooks

by dkkong69 March 31, 2009

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Garth Out

Verb; To bail on plans; To not follow through; to leave your friends hangin'; to be a bad friend; to impolitely cancel plans for no real reason.

"Hey, is Chris going to bring his halloween costume for you to borrow?"
"No, he's garthing out again."

"Dude, I'm so excited for our roadtrip this summer!"
"I think I might have to garth out, i don't really feel like it."
"Harsh, dude..."

by Xack November 3, 2009

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