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A woman who has been through a full round of the Scottish Army at any point in her life, as referred to by the men involved in said activity.

Guy: Hey, whats up Haggis?
Girl: I hate you.

by BTLighting February 3, 2011

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Haggis is an epic dish. Haggis is the definition of happiness and goodness. EAT IT NOW!!!

Person 1: Have you tasted haggis?

Person 2: Yes, and it tasted so bad!
*Kills person*

by TheHaggisMaster February 14, 2022

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A magical creature which spouts a mountain of lies and bullshit. Usually Ginger and small, it is a very unsociable creature and does not trust anyone.

A haggis usually seeks to undermine others who get in its way. It may lie to get close to people, before selling them up stream.

Haggis: Wanna Ride In My Ferrari?

Haggis: Im not brining in my driving lisence cos you will steal it

Haggis: Every girl fancies me

Haggis: Ive been to jail


by Barrel B0y May 20, 2009

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The mixture of semen and poop in a gay man's underwear

Fag #1: "Hey, do you know how to get this Haggy stain out my favorite banana hammock underwear?"

Fag #2: "No, can we just have gay sex and listen to OAR instead?"

by Swagger 69 May 8, 2012

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Word that one would say then some thing goes tits-up!!! Its the word that sparked off the other word, Hagred

Nial askes " R u lot coming out 2night??"

Ross says " No, i'm eating bannas 2night"

Jordie replys " No, i'm well too poor"

Aggi replys " No i like sleep to much and i'm old, and i'm fitting my new stair lift!!"

Nial says "Haggied!!!!!!!!"

by David Lehmann aka (Lemming) December 8, 2003

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More well known as a scottish delicacy
but also used as an insult between friends as it is not that insulting

Mouldy Haggis
Skanky Haggis
Mouldy Haggis with baby poo hair

by Melecky May 19, 2003

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The Haggies

When ingesting large quantities of marijuana, some people may experience a sensation of be weighed down, to the point where they feel as if they cannot move. The name for this is β€œThe Haggies”, referring to the β€œHag” which is a sleep paralysis demon that is believed to pin people down. Despite the negative connotations of the name β€œThe Haggies” are quite enjoyable.

β€œYo, bruh! U good?”
β€œI smoked way too much, I got the Haggies”

by eatbeatnskeet February 17, 2021

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