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shit hit the fan

The shit is information, and the fan a person or persons (often an employer or partner or someone in a position of seniority or superiority) to whom the information will be viewed as very bad news and also who is/are going to react immoderately and with no concern (or even some delight) as to whom the information then spreads.

This is an analogy for the worst possible development where concealment or deception have taken place and is a story in three parts: 1)The shit and the fan are seen as separate giving rise to nervousness of the awful consequences should they meet. 2)That moment arises, when time appears to stand still and the blades of the fan appear frozen for a split second. 3)There is an awful smell and a heck of a lot of clearing up to do.

The shit hit the fan when my mother returned home early to find my father trying on her best summer dress in front of the mirror.

by Paul Newton June 29, 2006

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the shit hit the fan

When discovery of an inopportune incident, usually pertinent to personal misconduct, indiscretion, dereliction or impropriety is made, that provokes outrage toward and/or has seriously negative consequences for the perpetrator(s).

The shit hit the fan when her husband found out about her exorbitant expenditures.

by desenfado November 27, 2013

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Shit hit the fan

When something goes TERRIBLY wrong.

After I opened the door to the Portal to the other dimension - about five or six two headed, green dog-like animals jumped out of it and started devouring everything. In other words - shit hit the fan.

by Gvazdas April 24, 2010

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shit hits the fan

when something blows up, goes big in the news, etc..

people talking shit, but when the shit hits the fan, everything im not, made me everything i am
-Kanye west

by krazz November 1, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit hits the fan

When something like a discussion or debate that is already heated eventually sparks chaos, usually due to none of the participants or anyone else calming things down.

Person 1: Now if you talk about politics in \b\, you should know that eventually, shit hits the fan, and you'll basically just be over.

by OoftheDoof! July 19, 2021

crap hits the fan

When your life circumstances were good, and then they just imploded, exploded, and eviscerated right in front of you. Leaving you not two steps up, minus one. Rather, when the crap hits the fan, you are stepless, and have to learn how to crawl. Once again.

Wow, the crap hits the fan when you can't pay your rent.

by Tamscot April 19, 2016

Shit hits the fan

A vulgar and derogatory way of saying "if something bad happens."

"I'm gonna give that asshole a piece of my mine"

"Alright, but be careful, because if the shit hits the fan, you're in serious trouble.

by Suburbanz71 November 10, 2017

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