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I told you Haroona is a thing
She needs to be thwarted
But so does he

where is the fucking line
why do i not see limits

by Krkiฤ May 2, 2019

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Damage Limitation

Damage limitation means actions you take to limit or offset the damaging effects of an accident or error. Well thatโ€™s the official line anyway, but in most cases what it means is the person responsible for the fuck up Running around like a striped ass ape in order to cover their own ass and prevent any of the shit flying around from sticking to them.

Camilla Batmanghelidghโ€™s idea of damage limitation is to cover her own fat ass and blame everyone else.

by AKACroatalin November 12, 2015

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(Most Common on tumblr.com)

The post-limit is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to the common Tumblr addict. After a user posts what Tumblr finds as "too much" pictures, videos, music, etc. they will reach their Post-Limit. At first, users will usually think, "What?" and after recovering from Post-Limit Shock, they will most likely be angry. A way to bypass this is, have the user go to their settings, and change their timezone to somewhere that is one day ahead of them.

User: Aw shit, I reached my Post-Limit.

by IL0VEYOUALL January 30, 2012

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Character Limit

The most retarded rule ever put in place by social media websites. A character limit is a numerical limit on how many letters, numbers, symbols, spaces, digits, etc. that you can type into a single text box.

The character limit literally forces you to shorten all of your responses to where you can't even make sense of them at times. If you happen to exceed any given character limit, you are instructed to cut down your response in order to fit the number of characters (letters/numbers/symbols/etc.) allowed by the website. So if you are trying to put all of your ideas into one post, you often end up getting screwed over by the character limit. It ends up becoming an overall pain in the ass.

Some notable websites that contain character limits include: Urban Dictionary (1500 character limit), YouTube (500 character limit), and most annoyingly, Twitter (originally a 140 character limit for all posts, now a 118 character limit for posts that contain URL's).

Rob: "Almost done typing my definition for 'Character Limit' on Urban Dictionary; it's gonna be kickass."

*Presses "Send to UD"*

Rob: "WTF!? I have 1527 characters and the character limit is only 1500!? BULLSH*T!!!"

by BCB5 July 1, 2013

Post Limit

The end of your life.

You can no longer post on Tumblr for the rest of the day/night and you have to wait till 12:00 to start posting again.

Tumblr Person 1: How come you're not posting anymore?

Tumblr Person 2: My life is over untill 12am... post limit ):

by p4cific-blue.tumblr.com June 1, 2012

sky is the limit

unlimited. no limitation. reaching out as far as you can.

sky is the limit when i hustle.

by REAL. May 3, 2006

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limit break

A state of going crazy and super strong, usually due to anger. Used to kill especially strong enemies (or friends). Derived from the special attacks in final fantasy.

Damn, this is annoying, I'm about to have a limit break.

by Slurpy the Frog November 25, 2004

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