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Pot Liquor

The juice from cooked greens left in your bowl or on your plate.

After eating my mustard and turnip greens, I took my cornbread and sopped up the pot liquor.

by Erica Rucker July 31, 2007

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Liquor Layer

drinking enough liquor until you don't need to bring a jacket in cold weather; equivalent to a beer blanket.

Josh: It's gonna be so cold outside but i don't want to worry about a jacket..

Sarah: Drink 'till you have your liquor layer!!

Josh: That's a great idea!!!

by JMU Boss January 24, 2010

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clit liquor

The white, semi-frothy, lotion-like liquid that is produced by a woman's vagina when her clit is tongued to a powerful orgasm by a cunnilingus expert. Some men (and women) find the taste and aroma quite "intoxicating" - hence, the "liquor" aspect.

"Freddie, you poor thing. You look massively hung over!"

"Yeah, last night I got drunk, drunk, drunk on clit liquor!"

by bus bozo December 6, 2007

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liquor shit

The shit you take in the morning after consuming liquor in large amounts;The night before

The hangover shit you take after getting trashed with liquor.

STEVE: Man I got drunk as fuck last nite off of some rum,And I took a huge shit in the morning.
TOM: That my friend is called a liquor shit, it was probably 95% alcohol content!

by darm April 5, 2008

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liquor lie

the automotic lie that occours when asked or explaining to someone how much alcohol one has had to drink in a given time period.

dude1: OMG i've had like 25 beers allread tonight!! (liquor lie)
sober guy: really, that seems like quite an excessive amount.
COP: How much have you had to drink tonight?
dude1: idono probly like 2 er3 beers (liquor lie)

by captin crunk January 20, 2009

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Liquor slam

When you are watching Shoenice chugging alcohol which he calls β€œLiquor slams” so you take a bottle of absolut and β€œslam” it down the hatch.

Hey everyone, shoe nice again, well basically I want to keep this Liquor slam short. Eeeeeiiiittthhhhheeeerrrrr way, here’s the bottle of whiskey. Three, two, one. Shoenice.

by Autismo child December 27, 2019

liquor grinch

Someone who hogs all of the booze at a party and becomes extremely hostile and cold hearted as they continue to drink.

Jesus Christ! Why is Phil at the party? Everyone knows he's a liquor grinch!

by Thunderchicken May 7, 2015