Source Code

al pacino

rhyming slang for casino

person one: lets hit up the al pacino after we leave scruffys tomight
person two: you know it!

by shanos August 6, 2006

9πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Pin The Tail On Pacino

A boudoir game where the male participant is blindfolded with a dildo strapped to his forehead. He must crawl around the room trying to find his female counterpart based only on his ability to track her "Scent Of A Woman". He must find her in the shortest possible time and insert the dildo while proclaiming "HOO-AH!" in the loudest possible voice.

"I hurt my head playing Pin The Tail On Pacino last night. I thought it was Danielle but it was actually the wardrobe. Now I've got a dildo-bruise on my forehead."

by Royal Cunninglinguist Society February 4, 2009

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Al Pacino

A once critically-acclaimed Italian-American actor. These days would struggle to make the second round of auditions for a Rob Schneider flick.

Two for the money viewer A: Man I can't stand Al Pacino anymore. All he does is yell.

Two for the money viewer B: Yeah talk about a one-trick pony. I can't beleive it took us 30 years to realise how crap he is.

by triggaz April 10, 2008

4πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Creepy Pacino

When a dude hides inside a woman's bathroom and yells "HOO HAHH"

"A Creepy Pacino yelled "Hoo Hahh" while I was crapping"

by pfi March 22, 2016

Pal Pacino

A friend of yours that is as gangster as Al Pacino.

Hey Pal Pacino, I liked the way you slapped that Italian combo together.

by Joey Sis August 2, 2024

Pal Pacino

A friend of yours that's as gangster as Al Pacino.

Hey Pal Pacino, I love the way you slapped together that Italian combo.

by Joey Sis August 2, 2024

Al Pacino

He’s the better version of majestic and is truly loved by his wife , Layy DΓ­or . Handsome Cleveland Killer .

Al Pacino and kalasia is goals zeriodtt

by Yck majestic January 1, 2020