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Pictures and videos used to make masturbation easier. The problem is, men become dependent on it and can no longer masturbate without it. So, basically, pornography is for wimps.

guy#1: I need pornography!
guy#2: All I need is an imagination :)

by daman555 May 8, 2010

52๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


The study of porn.

I study Pornography, therefore, I'm a Pornologist.

by 69ToShine December 27, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pointless filth that destroys families and eventually turns men impotent. Needed by insecure men to achieve erection when no other way is possible. Has been known to turn men into pedophiles and in some cases rapists. Starred in by naive young women who allow themselves to be raped and laughed at for money that barely pays their rent. Ted Bundy was a porn addict and some porn companies have hidden their 'talent's' HIV+ diagnosis to continue buisness. Evil, sick buisness that does nothing but damage and encourages sexual abuse and disrespect of women. This is from a dude. A straight one.

"Pornography is the greatest evil the world faces..."

by PepsiCola September 11, 2006

190๐Ÿ‘ 218๐Ÿ‘Ž


It is such a broad thing, that the only true way to define it is "anything sexually explicit." It is the exploitation and demeaning of women and men, and gives false impressions of love and intimacy.

Love making is not a spectator sport. Pornography, esp. violent pornography, is a cause of sexual violence and leads to the corruption of a civilized society.

by W. A. P. [women against pornography] July 3, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sex on the internet that people watch because they're either unhappy with their sex life or they're just plain ugly and can't get any action.

Bob: Hey.
Joe: Hey man! What's up?
Bob: Nothing, I'm just watching something.
Joe: Oh...What are you watching?
Bob: I'm watching a girl get fucked in the ass.
Joe: ...You're watching pornography?
Bob: Yeah.
Joe: ...Oh...
Bob: Don't you watch it?
Joe: No. I'm happy with my sex life, and I'm not ugly.
Bob: (yells in a pissed off way)Thanks a lot man! (hangs up)
Joe: ...You're welcome...?.....He really is ugly.

by Scooby-doo! November 4, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A family friendly movie where you can watch and enjoy with your relatives and family members.

Father: "son wanna go and watch pornography"
Son: "yes dadbut only if Lana Rohades is the main character"

by Pops lary July 8, 2021


Something that only fat guys with no sexual watch

damn fatass wacthes pornography everyday because he cant get any

by jahoovana March 16, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž