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musical prozac

A cheap, musical alternative to prozac, useful for curing depression. Musical prozac consists of much time spent listening to most excellent tunes until you no longer feel like shit.

Friend 1: Last night kind of sucked ass. Sure, after all that ginorade I got that free welcome mat and that Johnny Cash poster I always wanted, but I missed the chance to have a meaningful goodbye with my friend! And she's moving away! I'm so depressed now. I need some prozac but I don't have health insurance because this country doesn't give a fuck about my well-being.

Friend 2: No worries, man. Just take some musical prozac.

Friend 1: What do you recommend?

Friend 2: Well, you could pop some XTC and listen to trance. Or how about "I got a feeling" by Black Eyed Peas? Anything by Matt and Kim would do the trick.

Friend 1: Dude, all those recommendations sound kind of gay.

Friend 2: Yeah but 'gay' isn't just about what you dream of being with me, douchebag, it also means the same as 'happy', and it means that for a reason.

by nb c lo August 24, 2009

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Prestige Prozac

In Call of Duty (4 onwards), the excitement one feels when entering Prestige mode. Wears off quickly when one finds the restriction of weapons, perks, and the like to be mundane.

xxNoobKillerxx: Hey, nice emblem, is that 2nd prestige?

Fragman420: 3rd actually. Prestige is a bit boring though, by level 12 I'm usually off the Prestige Prozac.

by Mr. Pie January 30, 2010

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verbal Prozac

Words or a message delivered in either audio or written form to make an upset party feel better.

The customer service agent dispensed verbal Prozac to get me to calm down.

by LovesWords September 4, 2008

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liquid prozac

Coffee. Coffee makes you happy, like prozac.

I'm so tired, lets get us some liquid prozac.

by Xtine Max January 2, 2004

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pass the Prozac

What one says when one is describing a miserable friend or partner. One of those people who just saps life away from you.

They are infectiously depressing.

Dude 1: "Dawg, you look so glum. You still going out with that miserable beatch?"
Dude 2: "Yes ... pass the Prozac."

by Wizards Sleeve September 24, 2006

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Prozac centred psychiatry

The doctrine within medical practitioner circles of over prescribing the drug Prozac as an easy cure-for-all alternative to traditional more time-consuming and expensive methods of psychiatry. This practice is of benefit to the Healthcare profession but compromises the patient.

Instead of suggesting psychotherapy, the doctor gave me the usual degree of Prozac centred psychiatry I was expecting.

by Kendal Boy March 7, 2008

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Cut the Prozac in half

When someone says this it means that you're wound up (too manic or not playing with a full deck) and a smaller dose is required, so you act normal & level.

Shane: Hey dude, what are you doing this weekend?
Jimmy: Yeah brother, I play to invite a lot of strippers over, bring in the alcohol by the keg, & get really stoked and have a wild party.
Shane: Damn man, maybe you need to cut the Prozac in half.

by VerrΓΌckte Hunde August 21, 2015

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