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An anti-depression medication. Fairly effective in treating depression, but it has some bitchin' side effects. Seizures, suicide, excessive sweating, etc.

Don't look at the price or you'll get depressed all over again.

by Mr. Cynic May 30, 2005

331๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drug used for the treatment of depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Due to a few isolated incidences of suicide, it is sometimes considered the most harmful drug on the planet, mostly by people who have none of the mentioned disorders and are under the delusion that sufferers can change their brain chemistry just by thinking it.

If Prozac helps a severely depressed person function, who are you to judge?

by Allison1690 September 16, 2006

288๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


a SSRI. (selective-seritonin re-uptake inhibitor) anti-depressant taken for depression and sometimes anxiety related illnesses.. works by leveling out the seritonin levels in the brain, restoring natural brain chemistry which is low in cases of depression and other mental illnesses

take 50mg of prozac per day

by Emmett October 10, 2003

282๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž


Prozac its a symptomatic releif, of depressive, obsessive, comulsive illness. Side effects: anxiety, automnia, mania, hypomania, seizures, hypoclamia, drymouth, excessive sweating, restlessness, suicide

My House just burned down
i need Prozac

by sniper May 8, 2004

450๐Ÿ‘ 267๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drug used to treat depression.

"Man, i work 15 hours a day at mcdonalds for $7 a day, then i come home and my girlfriend is bitching at me... i need some prozac fast :"

by diablodude February 10, 2004

155๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


The brand name of a widely marketed antidepressant consisting of the chemical Fluoxetine. It works by binding to the serotonin reuptake receptors in the brain, inhibiting serotonin reuptake and allowing the serotonin to remain in the synapse longer and bind to the serotonin receptors more often, artificially raising the level of serotonin in the brain. This helps improve mood.
Because of its long half-life in the body (1-3 days), Prozac is also useful for preventing brain damage and "fuzziness" associated with Ecstasy use.

Sweet, I have some blue dolphins, my 5HTP, pineapple juice, and Prozac. This is gonna be a good night.

by erowid nerd March 14, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


over-prescribed medicine for anyone who claims to have any mental illness. disassosiation should be expected.

here's some prozac. if that doesn't fix anything, you can always jump off a cliff.

by laura May 6, 2005

126๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž