Source Code


firm, first-rate, fit, fixed, focused, formal, forward, free spirit, fresh, fruitful, full, full of life, gay, genius, gentle, gentlemen, genuine, giddy, giving hope, glorious, good, good, good dice, good sport, good-doer, good-for-something, graceful, great, greatly courageous, grounded in sense, guided, gutsy, happy, hardworking, has a place, has guts, healthy, heightened, hero, heroic, high, high-born, high-ranking, honest, honorable, hope, hopeful, huge, humane, humble, hygienic, imaginative, important, in advance, in front, inclusive, independent, indispensable, individual, intelligent, intelligent, intentional, interesting, jolly, kind, kindly, kindly, ladies, lawful, leader, left in perfection, legitimate, lived, lively, logical, lovable, lovable, loved, macroscopic, magnificent, main, main character, major, manly, many layers, matter-of-fact, mature, meaningful, meriting, merry, mindful, mobile, model citizen, modest, momentous, moral, mosaic, necessary, needed, new, noble, normal, not in vain, not odd, not superficial, objective, on point, on purpose, on the right path, on the spot, on-time, original, outgoing, perceptive, perfect, permanent, persuasive, pertaining to, piquant, planned, plausible, playful, pleasant, plenty, plump mind, pointed, practicable, practical, precious, present, prize, probable, producing, profitable, proficient, prosperous, proud, provident, pure, pure within and without, purposed, purposeful, purposeful, quick, rational, rational, real

Russel is retarded.

by Gossamer Willowfly July 10, 2011

144๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


reasonable, refined, related, relevant, renewed, reputable, reputable, resolute, responsible, resulting in, rich, righteous, romantic, sane, satisfactory, sensible, sensical, sensing, sensitive, sententious, sentimental, serious, serious, shining, significant, sincere, smart, smooth, sociable, solid, something, somewhere, sophisticated, soulful, special, specific, spinted, stable, stand ground, standing, standing tall, steadfast, steady, strong, strong-hearted, strong-minded, strong-minded, stylish, suave, substantial, succeeded, succeeding, successful, sufficient, supreme, swan, sweet, sympathetic, tactful, thinking, thoughtful, titanic, to the purpose, toned, top, treasurable, treasure, treasured, true, truthful, unassailable, unassuming, uncompressed, uncorrupt, uncovert, undiscriminatory, undisputed, undoubtable, undoubting, unexpendable, unfrightened, unique, unloathsome, unmeasly, unpaniced, unperturbable, unpretentious, unquitting, unreplaceable, unridiculable, unrushed, unscared, unshabby, unshallow, unshameful, unstale, unsubmissive, untiring, untrifling, untrivial, untrumped, unvanishing, unwasting, unwavering, unwearied, up, upgraded, uplifting, usable, useful, varied, warm, wel-formed, well-advised, well-carried, well-considered, well-done, well-focusd, well-mannered, well-rounded, well-spoken, well-valued, well-wired, whole, winner, wise, with a home, with purpose, with reason, without need for repent, witty, witty, wonderful, working, worth, worthwhile, worthy.

Russel is retarded.

by Gossamer Willowfly July 10, 2011

148๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


That one particular word that will get a LOT of SJWs angry beyond comprehension.

Me: "bruh that's just retarded"
SJW: "so you have chosen death"

by Someone32143214 February 13, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adjective used to describe someone who is below average in intelligence.

"That person over there(Victoria) is so retarded

by sde4kiawdngdanwdukliai June 25, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason people that make my life as uncomfortable as can be exist.


by This Is A fuck win February 14, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Moron, idiot, fucktard, etc.

does NOT mean "disabled"

retarded means stupid jackass
Correct: Dude, you're so retarded you just broke my Wii
Incorrect: Damn look at that retarded dude he's autistic

by MinecraftRulesDotCom August 27, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're put in special classes because you cant perform to your full potential. Low IQ. Low learning abilities. Disabilties. Failures in school. Also a name for a dumb person.

I was in special ed. Some kids call me retarded but I just have a low IQ.

by Michael Rehmeyer November 26, 2007

174๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž