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silicon heaven

The final resting place and afterlife for all electrical, mechanical, digital and bio-mechanical beings. Once they have done their duty of serving mankind, once they pass on, they live blissfully and peacefully for eternity in Silicon Heaven.

No Silicon Heaven? Then where do all the calculators go?

by Citz January 1, 2004

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A band formed in 2004 by Mick Jones (The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite) and Tony James (Generation X). They're an excellent band, and are vocal supporters of P2P. They have free downloads on their official site.

Billy: "Who's Carbon/Silicon?"
Me: "Excellent band"

by Jack Townshend April 5, 2006

Silicon Valley

a region in Northern California along the west shore of the San Francisco Bay, that stretches from San Jose to San Francisco, that is a major center for high-tech manufacturing and numerous web-based corporations. It has a high cost of living as a result and and is among the most expenesive regions in the United States to live.

Silicon Valley has a very liberal mindset with a diverse population

by krock1dk@yahoo.com July 28, 2007

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Silicon Dicker

An Urban Dicker is a frequent submitter to the Urban Dictionary. Coined by arguably (ok - VERY arguably) our generation's GREATEST Urban Dicker herself - Emelda Moncelet - who formed a Facebook group of the same name which half-heartedly promises a large novelty penis made of silicon as 1st prize to the most prolific Urban Dicker, though no final competition score-tallying date has every been nominated.

Silicon Dicker is basically an Urban Dicker who submits using their 'construct' (fake Facebook profile), or other alias.

Ivan: "I refuse to give the thumbs up to ANYTHING with 'booka' in the title....bookabullshit."

Ricky: "http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=Ricky+Foxwell"

Emelda (feeling the huge silicon novelty penis slipping from her grasp): "There's no shame when you're a Silicon Dicker "

by Great-Aunt of Sohm-Yung Ho ๐Ÿฆ‰ February 18, 2009

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silicone caulking

A titty fuck finishing on fake boobs.

Candy doesn't like me playing with her boobs since she got a boob job. But, she always enjoys a good silicone caulking.

by L&AW November 18, 2008

silicon valley

south bay where there are a lot of high tech companies

Wow u work in Silicon Valley. U must be one rich programmer

by God October 28, 2003

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silicone pickle

1. A rubber dildo, only functional for pleasing non-discriminating, pathetic women who have enough with a cold, "flexible" item. 2. A person who is pathetic, without self-esteem, or too soft. 3. A dickhead, loser or prick.

First used on the screenplay/future movie "Turn (Marked contrast)", by Frank Vidal.

Joe: "Henry wants to ask you out, but he doesn't have the courage."
Steph: "Well, he better not get it, 'cause I'm not into silicone pickles."

by drfvidal June 10, 2006

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