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A Gatorade bottle made into a water bong with a pen.

Hurry up and make a tank, I have been craving this weed all day long.

by Kleep May 14, 2008

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An armoured fighting vehicle designed as a weapon of battlefield superiority, now used as a method of repressing civilians.

Tienaman Square, The West Bank, Gazza Strip, Iraq, Afghanistan......

by black flag May 29, 2004

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A common term in Texas and surounding states for a manmade lake.

Let's go swimmin' in the tank.

by Wonderboy April 22, 2003

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The act of having forceful sex

"i tanked that bitch last night"

by peter April 9, 2004

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The act of removing a toilet tank lid, standing on the seat, and taking a dump in the tank of a toilet. Best done in public restrooms, always a crowd pleaser at the office too.

Also known as the Upper Tanker, 2000 Flushes Brown, Upper Decker, Going Up Top, and The Gift That Keeps On Giving. For a nice twist on this see Upper Deck Deluxe.

"Man, they fucking fired me so I tanked that fucking toilet on my way out!"

by sirbrutus July 12, 2006

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1.Anyone who is abolutely amazing in any athletic event such as: hockey, football, soccer, etc..

1."Hey nice goal Brett. You're a tank!"

by jared.b March 10, 2007

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Tank - (to be in the tank/ to tank somebody)

Being in the tank can be most closely described as sulking.

It is more accurately represented when a person usually of little moral character, strength or validity is upset, sad or unable to find joy because of something meaningless, trivial, relevant only to themselves or just plain stupid that has occurred that has caused them to sulk.

The resulting behavior from "being in the tank" usually manifests itself as inability to function even to perform the simplest of tasks, a concerted effort on the part of the sufferer to bring everyone around them down and a widespread lack of passion and enthusiasm.

John asked for a piece of candy from Adam, Adam said no and John was in the tank for hours just because he couldnt have some candy! (Grow up John)

Terry missed a few shots in practice and immediately was in the tank about it, because of this the whole team chemistry was fucked up. Get out of the tank Terry! Your ruining it for all of us! tanked.

Mary was acting way out of line last night so I shouted at her and put her in the tank, she deserved it. I tanked her.

I was trying to tank Hugo last over his poor ability to speak to women. i love tanking people.

by Mylo BaRD February 2, 2009

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