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Terribly Awesome

When something is so bad that the deficient image it portrays is reversed.

The negative qualities of a subject are so abundant that they somehow make it really really awesome.

An action of extreme debauchery or buffoonery that ended up with harsh consequences.

ex 1
"Yelling 'Leroy Jenkins' over the school intercom was totally worth getting suspended for."
"Yeah man, it was terribly awesome."

ex2 - The movie Delta Force

by SheehanSam June 17, 2010

sumthin terrible

Sumthin' Terrible is a Rap Crew from Sacramento, California. Members are Paper Game Chuck (formerly known as Chuck Beez), Sauce (3) (Saucesalito), Stupid Swoop (El Stupido), Bad Business and Clappa (Clapmatic). They were great friends of Mac Dre and co-starred in Treal Tv. Chuck beez was in the second verse of thizzle dance and was the first rapper to ghost ride the whip and rapped about ghost riding the whip in 2002. They played a big part of the Thizz and Hyphy movement.

"Sumthin Terrible, tell em how we come..." -Mac Dre Get Stupid, First verse

by Hyphy916 November 3, 2017

miss terribly

An intense feeling of longing for something that was yours but left or is gone now, be it a physical possession or the presence of a person, friend or significant other. Nothing feels quite normal when you miss something terribly, it affects you deeply, even manifesting itself outwardly often causing a blue or sad demeanor. When you want something but it's gone.

I will miss terribly my best friend who is planning on moving from California to New York, no one gets me as much as he does.

by capnobvious February 20, 2011

88👍 10👎

Ivan the Terrible

Full name Iván Vasíl'yevich Ryurik IV. Born 25 August 1530, he would grow up to eventually become Russia's first official TSAR in 1547 and also one of its strongest.

He was known for introducing sweeping reforms, from infrastructure to diminishing greatly the power of the Orthodox Church. However, he was also responsible for the deaths of roughly 100.000 people in a country of 8 million people; his victims run the gamut from boyars (thieving nobles and landowners) to priests. In 1581, he killed his firstborn and tsarevich Ivan Jr. in a shit-fit, leaving his retarded second son Dmitry as succesor. He died on 18 March 1584. He's considered the greatest of the Rurik dynasty (Russia's founding dynasty and the predecessor of the Romanovs).

Ivan's credited for turning the overtly powerful boyars and the Church subservient to him, by any means necessary. He hated the boyars because they poisoned his mother in 1538 when he was a kid and his first wife Anastasia Romanova (a distant relative of the Romanovs).

The Pprichnina of 1565-1572 he created is the ancestor of the KGB.

Ivan the Terrible is considered Stalin's role model as the Soviet leader acted and behaved a lot like him!

by CrazySaw December 23, 2009

69👍 8👎

Terrible Tuesday

The backlash one experiences after a weekend of partying, usually on the designer drug ecstasy, the following tuesday after said weekend.

For reasons not clear, most ecstasy users have a 'hold-over' day in the 24 to 36 hour period following comedown (the ate up period), where the 'down' effects of the drug don't become apparent. This 'hold-over' day usually falls on a Monday if Saturday night was the day of usage. The next day, the Terrible Tuesday itself, is usually a day filled with depressive feelings and overall sadness and malaise. Dealing with critical issues is almost impossible and one is almost guaranteed to have mood swings.

Usage of the supplement 5-htp is recommended along with a bottle of Pedialyte immediately after coming down off of the roll in order to dampen, if not completely neutralize, the depressive effects from the E.

True origins are unknown, but most experts in the subject area agree that the term was probably coined during the ecstasy wave of the 90's and the subsequent rise of EDM (Electronic Dance Music) subculture in America.

Carl: I'm sad, hold me :(

Anne: Well, if you took your 5-htp like I told you too, you wouldn't be crying over those TPS reports. Not eating 7 rolls on Saturday night would have helped as well.

Carl: I want puppies and sunshine, boo hoo hoo :(.

by Socialcommentary2000 May 4, 2005

120👍 18👎

enfant terrible

1.(ahn-FAHN te-REE-bluh) A person who stirs things up in an irresponsible or indiscreet way or has unconventional ideas.

2. Refers to the Enfant Terrible project in Metal Gear Solid in which soldiers were genetically mutated into super soldiers

1. “Doctor Hill keeps writing articles that criticize his fellow physicians; he is becoming known as the enfant terrible of his profession.” From French, meaning “terrible child.”

2. Liquid: There's a killer inside you... You don't have to deny it. We were created to be that way.

Snake: Created?

Liquid: Les enfants terribles... the terrible children. That's what the
project was called. It started in the 1970's. Their plan was to artificially create the most powerful soldier possible. The person that they chose as the model was the man known then as the greatest living soldier in the world...

Snake: Big Boss...

by Jojo Quayson June 17, 2005

55👍 7👎

terrible ariel

whenever something bad happens, use this word. coined by my cousin

person 1: ughhh i spilled my apple juice EVERYWHERE!!
person 2: oh nos that is so terrible ariel

by LMAOwhatisthis March 9, 2021