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Black man's shrimp

slang for (fried chichen wings) a fravorite food served at parties or urban gatherings.

while at the bar we drank beer and ate black man's shrimp

by Carl E. Dixon May 14, 2007

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

White Black Man

A white guy who believes he is from the ghetto. Walks and talks like a black man but really isn't.

Joe W.: Wudup my brother from another motha where are the other homeboi's

Gav: Shut up u White Black Man!

by BuinessWithAttitude May 4, 2006

113πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Angry Black Man

This is a term used in sports, and most commonly in basketball. It is when a black player on one team gets real pissed, and goes into Angry Black Man mode or ABM. The player then becomes unstopable, and only stops once he is no longer angry.

Signs of ABM are when a player dunks and looks pissed, or makes a jumpshot and looks pissed instead of happy.

Tracy McGrady is unstopable once he enters Angry Black Man

by Ben a.k.a Mr. T May 3, 2008

107πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Black Man Equation!

The Black Man Equation is an algarithm used to determine one's Black Level Measured in Niglets.

Let Y=Years spent in jail

Let G= Grape drank consumed daily (Litres)

Let K= KFC Consumption per day (Kilograms)

Let W= Wealth in stolen goods (Dollars)

Let R= Total roberies

Let Nβ„“= Niglets

∴ Nβ„“=((YΒ²/G)(K))W/R

Trevor: "Yo, how many niglets do you think Tyrese is?"

Angus: "I don't know lets use the Black Man Equation!"

Trevor: "If we take the equation Nβ„“=((YΒ²/G)(K))W/R and substitute in his levels we get:Nβ„“=((6Β²/3)(12))300/12 we find that he is 3600 Niglets!"

Angus: "Thats a pretty High Niglet Level!"

Trevor: "Yeah I didn't realize Tyrese was that black!"

by JulioJohnson September 26, 2011

43πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

barbeque black man

A soft spoken black man that generally sports clothes less ghetto fabulous than fubu and yet more ethnic than american eagle. May like to accessorize using such finery as gold teeth, glasses and white k-swiss sneakers. Are very personable and tend to enjoy the occasional witty remark followed by a head shake (usually accompanied by a grin so as not to appear condescending). May have a slight lisp, especially when saying words such as defense and sauce.

"Wayne Brady is almost a barbeque black man... but not quite."

by ben & hannah February 16, 2009

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tall black man

the enderman mob form minecraft

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh TALL BLACK MAN

by The Red Dead 9 March 25, 2021

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Black man’s cruise

A boat carrying slaves to America

Tyrone’s ancestors came to America on a black man’s cruise

by Funny ape June 27, 2022