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Whiskey Militia

1. Place where you can find the sickest brands in the biz and for next to nothing—run by people like Robin Hood and his Merry Men…uh…minus the rad tights and feather hats.
2. Site pledged to surf and skate that delivers one fix at a time, 'til you're shaky, sweaty, and compromising your morals for more. Drops one stupidly marked-down deal each night at midnight and sell it 'til it's gone
3. Site committed to making sure you don’t look like a douchebag selling surf, skate gear for dirt cheap. Cheaper than your mom because there’s not much time to make money when you’re this busy being pompous.

Whiskey Militia rad fixpompous

by Candicewh February 20, 2009

15👍 5👎

metal militia

Group of hardcore metal fans, not pussy-metal hair-band fans, but real hardcore metal-music fans. Often spotted sporting riveted armbands, black leather trenchcoats, heavy metal-plated boots and long, black hair. Will frequently haedbang, play air-guitar and do the metal/satan hand-sign.

Dude, with that totally gay pink shirt, I'd try to avoid the metal milita over there if I were you.

by Crapper McGee March 28, 2004

73👍 45👎

Clown Militia

The Clown Militia is a loosely organized group of pro-gun activists who, through their ineptitude, are actually working to restrict gun rights and get guns banned. They do things like organizing groups of people to openly carry guns into coffee shops to scare people. They believe this will eventually make people more comfortable around guns, and thus "normalize" the public display of firearms. Instead the police are usually called and the Clown Militia are detained for psychiatric evaluation. It also gets guns banned from those same coffee shops, and the open carry of guns outlawed (the Clown Militia actually accomplished this in California).

The Clown Militia is usually made up of middle-aged video gamers and people who play Dungeons and Dragons or dress up for LARP (Live Action Role Playing). They plan their protests in their mother's basements and on internet chat sites that cater to the gun culture/single men looking for love.

They don't have a standard uniform, but are encouraged to wear camouflage, SWAT gear, or t-shirts with the phrase "MOLON LABE" (Greek for "I take it up the ass"). NRA hats and pins are optional, as even the NRA wants absofuckinglutely nothing to do with these clowns.

Despite their misguided ambitions, the Clown Militia is actually the 2nd Amendment's worst nightmare. There is some speculation that they're actually part of the anti-gun movement working to make gun owners look crazy and dangerous, but proof has been elusive.

Person 1: I was at the mall today and there were a bunch of people with guns getting kicked out of the coffee shop!

Person 2: That's weird. Were they cops or something?

Person 1: No, actually they looked like they just got out of a comic book convention or something.

Person 2: Oh, that's probably the Clown Militia then. They're just crazy people with guns.

Person 1: Ah, that makes sense.

by jmb1911 November 1, 2013

27👍 14👎

Marine Militia

The Marine Militia is an Ocean Conservation group that was founded in October of 2011. The main focus is to educate the people of the world about how we are killing the most precious area of our world. Over 70% of the earth is covered by water. If we continue to contaminate it and rape it of all the the natural life we will become extinct ourselves. Some of the campaigns being focused on are related to coral reef protection, shark finning, whale and dolphin slaughtering

The Marine Militia needs your help to save the world and everything in our oceans

by Sgt Manta September 11, 2013

fag militia

The small militant faction of homosexuals at your place of school, hobby, work, or any other local scene. Lead by the faggot captain. Their soul pourpose is to mob you with gayness wherever you go relentlesly until you kill them or join their ranks. The fag militia takes no prisoners.

There is no award holding fag militia to be emphasized over another. You know when you see them and you can feel them coming.

by Butkus November 29, 2006

41👍 36👎

Underground Militia

1. A bitch mowing unit - pwning noobs everyday
2. Guns and artillery that are concealed underneath the sea level
3. A leet unit of pros, leveling out the field of noobs.

Man, that Underground Militia team stomped us.
Wow, we got fistfxxxd by Underground Militia.
Playing Underground Militia makes me want to quit life.

by Blane Johnson November 11, 2006

6👍 8👎

Pan Militia

Ham Mafia clone (for people who like the movie “Tangled”)

as a unborn fetus, I have decided to join my fellow embryos in the Pan Militia

by edgy twelve year old June 13, 2020

2👍 2👎