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n. A Chicagoland slang for mid-grade marijuana. It is often concidered as "failed" dank and should contain minimal seed count. The name refers to the amount for it is sold for: 30 dollars an eighth or 60 dollars a quarter.

Hey Jeremy, what'd you pick up this week?

Just an ounce of the thirty-sixities.

by dee eye zee May 25, 2005

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thirty rack

A 30 case of beer, generally Busch Light. Used frequently by high school and college students.

All I know is I give somebody $20 and they come back with a thirty rack of beer.

by Buckles McGee November 1, 2007

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Thirty Late

Generally someone who's age is in their late thirties. Also useful when you are approaching the age of 40, and you don't really want to admit you are right up against the big 4-0, you instead say "thirty late" because it could mean you are 37, instead of 39ยฝ.

That girl I went to school with is thirty late, she should know better than to be fooling around with a douchebag loser like that Rick guy.

by ChimneySweepGreg December 30, 2011


when you and your frineds get in a group and fuck one whore so you can laugh about it for days you say its train thirty and look at your friends and die laughing b/c it could happen cause shes probably a meth whore

Fasanova "we dont even have to ask that girl what time it is cause she know's it 's train-thirty"

by fasanova33 April 19, 2009

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Chew Thirty

The Time of the day that calls for a fat dip in your lip

John: Hey mike what time is it?

Mike: It's CHEW Thirty brother! Pack the can

by Buzz Killington III August 1, 2008

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seven thirty

crazy. someone who is crazy.

the time, in prison, when medication is handed out.

keep an eye on him, he seven thirty

by slatkin September 3, 2003

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throw thirties

In this case you better be ready for what follows: a fight, scrap, or shootout. A reference to your muscles as guns.

Yo watch your mouth before we throw thirties.

by BobLeeSwag September 12, 2017