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F Troop

A group of Fags. Usually partying or clubbing together or doing something that is quite faggy. And usually denotes a motley crew of Fags, not just cloned Fags, hence referring back to the tv show F Troop where there were characters / soldiers of different looks, heights, ages, etc.

Check out that F Troop over there! Did you ever see such an epic collection of Fags in one place?

by sarasplayroom.com June 14, 2009

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A boy who follows another boy in a gay fashion

Nilven: I'm leaving
Orlando: ~Immediatly follows him without a word~
Derrick: Look at him follow Nilven, kinda gay
Austin: Yeah, what a fruit-troop

by KillahKNG June 14, 2010

goof trooped

To be unfortunately ugly in a style reminiscent of the hideously deformed dog man creatures on the cartoon television show Goof Troop.

Words won't accurately explain the term goof trooped. Instead I suggest you google Lindsay Davenport.

by Cappin Blewballs June 16, 2011

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Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colour is an ancient tradition performed by young men in the London district of Earl's Court on the second Saturday of each June. Overseen by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the young men of the area colourfully display their lemons and plums before each hour engaging in musical displays of side-walk flaccidity known as Trooping. Originally dating back to 1123BC when King Kong was on the thrown, in recent years many smaller plumbs have been used as a result of global cooling.

Ere Liz, look at that flaccid young man Trooping the Colour of his lemons and plumbs. Cor yeah Phil, they look reet juicy for me gaggin swallow hole. And just think, they date back to King Kong.

by anarcho-Capitalist January 28, 2010

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Shock Troops

A countries most elite fighting force. Usally fewer in number then the countries regular military.

During WWII the Germans refered to the Untied States Marines as Shock Troops.

by 1300 Regular January 15, 2006

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The Scoop Troop

The Scoop Troop consists of Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica from Netflix's Stranger Things 3.

"Are you team Griswold Family? I think Eleven, Max, Lucas, Mike and Will are the best."
"No way, The Scoop Troop is so much better."

by cheeze wiz July 18, 2019

support the troops

A non sequiter trotted out (usually by conservative Republicans) in an attempt to silence opposition. Typically followed by attempts to slash veterans benefits and support for amnesty for insurgents who haved kill Americans.

You don't think that the Islamic Republic of Iraq is a good idea? Why don't you shut up and support the troops?

by AVoiceofReason June 19, 2006

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