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basically it means "underground indie" (underground + diminutive of independent).

to designate a band which works under the "diy" (do it yourself) theory.

by useless information :-) April 30, 2003

47πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž


An abbreviation for underground hip-hop. Originally conceived as a soundalike alternative to "indie," which signifies fey boys with jangly guitars.

Undie is the straight shit, brah. The radio is wack.

by Tommy Wommy Womsters April 10, 2005

250πŸ‘ 1842πŸ‘Ž


People from Australia - from the land down under.

β€œYeah he's an undie, you can tell by the Crocodile Dundee accent.”

by Strephon September 5, 2007

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

undyne the undying

A badass that will kill you make you rage and brake your computer

Mom I broke my screen fighting undyne the undying

by Undertalethebest August 13, 2017

Undie Rub

When two people rub there privates together while wearing there underwear.

Chad : How bout you ride Chad's cock after work babe!
Kiersten : Sorry I'm on my period I would rather avoid the mess!
Chad : But I need to clean the pipes I guess i'll jack off tonight!
Kiersten : Hey how about A Undie Rub I know that would make you cum?
Chad : Sure i'll bring some extra underwear!

by SlopNChop March 24, 2017

46πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Hundies for the undies

Hundred dollar bills stuffed in yo panties

At the strip club, Dave put some hundies for the undies in that G string!

by Precarious Darius August 22, 2015


A Undie-Tinge is when you think you need to fart, but you’re body releases jelly like liquids onto you’re clean underwear.

Oh no! I think I just had a Undie-Tinge!

by Shelby Chapstick January 7, 2020