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Vanilla Wafer

The act of ejaculating into a white or yellow napkin and forcing a friend or lover to eat it.

I gave Katie my Vanilla Wafer and she loved it!

by Brendan Buss February 9, 2009

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communion wafers

Those hella good crackers served with free wine in a dimly lit yet nicely air-conditioned room that you find yourself constantly yawning in.

The only reason my parents gave me education at a Catholic school was because of the perks- free wine, and those hella good wafers. What are they called? Oh ya...

Communion wafers.

by Person11234 June 8, 2019

Ram Wafer

The male version of a slam piece. Some guy you want to/have sex with, without any emotional attachment.

Maggie: Where are you going tonight?
Nancy: Pay a visit to my ram wafer.

by Hoodrat For life October 7, 2009

wafer biscuit

The term given to a person that only has one trait to them; the trait of niceness. They're nice and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing special about them at all. They're just... nice. Like, y'know, Michael from down the road! You know Michael! He's... nice!

Hey remember -insert name here- from High school all those years ago?

Hardly, they were such a wafer biscuit.

Yeah they were nice and that's... that's about it.

by WaferBiscuitCoiner July 9, 2015

Necco Wafers

Quarter-sized candy wafers that resemble Smarties.

"Do you have any Necco Wafers? They're good as shit.

by PyroLogiK December 18, 2003

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Wafer Bite

That one bite of food that you just can't eat because you are too full.

Or, that last bite of food that makes you feel like you are going to be sick.

Reference to Monty Python's Meaning of Life. More specifically the first sketch of "Part VI: The Autumn Years".

Oh, that was my wafer bite. I think I am going to be sick.

by Jaime Rama April 16, 2011

crap wafer

A particularly meaningless insult which describes a person as a wafer or cookie that was baked with shit or crap as a main ingredient. This insult is generally used when someone has no better name to call someone.

"You know what, you're just a crap wafer!"

by Larry Finster December 25, 2009

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