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Winters is to go all in, no holds barred when resigning from the workplace.

OMG, did you see what just happened? Yeah, he just did a winters! Flipped his desk, launched his laptop and swaggered off into the sunset.

by Eddie563 August 8, 2019


Winter is a singer, dancer, guitarist. She’s an IT girl and makes a nation love her without doing anything. You can’t help but love her. She is THE moment

Winter ace

by Joyss1 December 20, 2020

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The time of year when indoor Drumline and Colorguard start. No marching band or anything. Just Winterguard and Winter Percussion. A lot less hectic than Fall, but a lot more friendlier because everyone already has something in common, being either in Drumline or Colorguard, which are a lot less smaller than marching band.

Instead of marching outdoors on the street or field, it's all indoors. While not as hectic, it's still a lot of work, and totally worth it.

Guy 1: When are tryouts for Winter? I'm really excited to try out for Tenors!
Guy 2: Next week. I'm trying out for Bass.
Other 142 people: We're doing Snare!

by brian707 November 23, 2009

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The result of Mr Beefy (from movie Little Nicky) and Mrs Doubtfire's secret love affair, Winter a fat bald NZ lad that dopes greyhounds and fights them in illegal cock fighting rings generally found around thai lady boy clubs. often seen found in and around work colleagues un attended work lunch the winter can consume an average of 300 calories per second for a sustained 6.325 hours strait. muffled with cock the winter is generally a soft speaking gender confused dissexlick.

fuck yeah that winter can really chug a jug full of gooch scrotal liquid.

by h3dr4n June 3, 2020

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A man that dogs the boys.

Me:Hey man wanna play league tonight?
Winterous: Yeah soon
-Doesnt come back.

by Nomadwin February 10, 2017

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A Winter is a very kind and considerate friend. He has a good sense of humor, and he is always there for you. He cares about you just as much as you care about him. He is also usually the dad friend.

me: winter is such an angel!! i love him so much and im thankful to have him as a friend

by iliketodefinenames10292943 July 26, 2018

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Winter is a drop dead gorgoues wonderful girl. She enjoys sports horses and is also girly. She has blue and green eyes with long brown hair. She has a great sence of hurmor and will make you laugh. Her smile will melt your heart. She is soooo pretty its crazy. She loves social media and friends. She loves her friends and family she is overall a truly amazing person. If you ever meet a winter you should keep her forever.

dude winter is super hot
yep she is

by she is so fab!!!!! October 4, 2018

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