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Winter is a BOSS BITCH you feel me 😏she the REALEST person you can ever meet she wipes her own tears and keeps a smile on her face she fears NO BITCH and stacks her bread 🍞 all these RATS wanna be her but they know they could never beat her πŸ₯Ί she smoke the opps in backwoods and stays lit😝

Icy girl winter ❄️

by Dubthatniggagetshhmoney October 21, 2020

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


One of four seasons, starting on December 21st, and ending on March 21st.

It is widely enjoyed by kids, due to activities such as Snowmen-making, Tubing, Snowmobiling, and Skiing.

However it is widely despised by anyone above the age of 16, due to activities such as scraping a car's windshield clean of ice, dangerous driving conditions, and higher heating bills.

Plus it puts quite the damper on smoking outside.

Note: People who live in states such as California, Texas, Florida, etc., are usually shunned for complaining about this season.

*Little Timmy (age 8) runs up to his brother John (age 17)*

Timmy: HEY big brother!!! It's winter! Wanna go build a snowman?!?!"

John: Go fuck yourself.

by Bloodmeat January 21, 2009

667πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


a beautiful girl, with brown hair and big beautiful green eyes, a smile that will melt your heart. She is independent and will not take any bull from anyone. She is strong willed and will achieve all her goals in life and be a leader to all that know her.


by Loving Mother February 3, 2010

483πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž


Winter is an amazing person with many good qualities. She is very pretty and has a lovely natural hair colour, her eyes are the loveliest shade of whatever colour they are. Winter has a very strong spirit and sometimes she'll leave you for where she wants to go. By all means winter is not afraid of being alone because she always surrounds herself with people she loves. To many people in winters life it seems that she is always busy and that there is not one moment when she's just sitting there and thinking what should I do? Winter has a tend to sometimes be distracting and pushy but theres always a good intention. Winter can always produce a laugh and is very cool, she is very modest and humble and as soon as anybody meets her they fall in love with her immdiatiatly - especially the boys who tumble over her words.

guy1 : hey you see winter over there

guy2: yeah, why?

guy1: s shes looking hottttt 😏😏 tonight

guy2: were you thinking of aski-

both guys rush over to winter screaming "WANNA DANCE WID ME WINTER???"

winter pushes both guys out of the way and says "urgh no thankyou." in an attitudy tone and makes her way to where the most popular guy is lingering and they start to chat. late that night winter arrived home drunk that night just before midnight saying she had had a wonderful night.

by RiZe+ShUu January 9, 2022

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A incredibly nice girl who is more than happy to stick up for her friends she is also super funny and can make you uncomfortable without even trying

Don’t mess with winter

by Blmlx June 22, 2020

29πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. The purest example of awesomeness, perfection, and coolness. When God said he would make mankind in his likeness, Winter was the ultimate prototype.

2. Winter is an awesome season and can also be a woman's name. She is gorgeous, fun, very loving, and has an amazing personality. She has great friends and a loving family!

3. As a great philosopher and academic once wrote: W is for wonderful...I is for intelligent...N is for nifty...T is for terrific...E is for economically correct...R is for radder than a rutabaga.

4. Lastly, there really is only one 'Winter' who can truly brighten and enhance your life. If you have not yet sought her out, you must, otherwise your life will forever remain dull and incomplete.

'Have you met my friend Winter?' 'No, but until now, my life has been dull and incomplete.'

by SpringSummerAutumn February 3, 2010

199πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


A cold, enjoyable season in which holidays present themselves to you and your families whilst bringing joy. Presents are carefully unwrapped, people sing and dance, and almost everybody has a good time while a fat, jolly old man stalks you to see if you behave, then breaks into your house and eats all of your food.

It's Winter! I can't wait to see what the fat man gives me in trade for all of my food that I totally didn't want to eat! *please note the sarcasm*

by ramen child December 6, 2016

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž