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Instant messaging shorthand for "whoops, wrong window." Used when you enter and send text intended for one person to another.

Me: I know what you mean, Julie is such a skank!
Julie: wtf?
Me: www!

by Cryptcl Envlpmt June 8, 2006

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Acronym for World Wide Web
Refers to the part of the internet that sports html pages

I was browsing the www the other day

by Chuck May 6, 2003

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WWW is often the reason of somebody's life.

-hey i wanna have fun tonight.
-i'm up for a www night

by MattiaVinci October 27, 2008

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we all know what it means, just we dont know how to pronounce it.

I prefer my way of saying www. your's takes too long

by wonderfool December 3, 2003

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ICB slang. "www <something>" means that <something> is bad or undesirable. It's "mmm" upside-down.

www bad sex, but mmm potato chips after bad sex

by Albin Pahernik July 8, 2004

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666, in that the Hebrew letter W(aw) has a numerical value of 6.

"They could not buy or sell unless they accessed the www."

by Uziyahu July 11, 2006

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an abbreviation for World Wide Web, sometimes further abreviated to (see pronunciation). used by those thinking they have internet skills and trying to impress fellow internetees.

The website is "dub-dub-dub".nerdsuniteforever.com

by Orion January 16, 2004

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