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Scottish serving

a fuck load of food (a very very large portion of food) e.g 3 plates of pizza

Lad 1 : I've just had 4 plates of haggis and i'm not even full!
Lad 2 : That's a Scottish serving that mate!

by THE_KING125 June 5, 2017

serving the employees

The act of bringing pleasure to your bosses on a daily basis in exchange for salary

That HR Ho just had an anniversary. That makes 3 years she be serving the employees, I hope she gets a raise!

by SlayerSusie September 21, 2011

Scissor Serve

To to scissor serve somebody they must give you money expecting a certain product in return.

you take their money and and whatever product you purchase you keep half of it for yourself and give the purchaser the other half acting as if it was whole and no foul play had occured.

I give this dude 40 bucks for an eigth and he comes back with 2 grams like thats what was given, motherfucker tried to scissor serve me.

by John Conde May 3, 2023

serving curtis

when you slay so hard and look so fucking sexy you are serving Curtis.

Person 1: dang look at they guy
Person 2: oh he is soo serving Curtis

by PastelSour September 11, 2023


This is when a old man or grown up or adult has sex with a little underage girl or you know can be the opposite for old woman too. And doesn’t get caught and go to prison and be so happy taking a young tight virgin girl pussy and getting her pregnant and addicted to his dick and sucking it and making her swallow his cum and lick his asshole clean all day and night every day.

You got served. I can’t wait to serve him this warrant when I track him down.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 13, 2022


being serve and slaying so good that u ate it

im serving today!

by is2iah January 9, 2022


being a sexual switch for a partner despite only liking to be a Dom or Sub, doing so as it pleases them more and is worth it

"hey man, how did last night go?"
"great! I was serving tonight, so she had her fun with me"
"bro thats gay"

by Koalafiedmistake January 26, 2022