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Piss fart

When your pissing and you still have more piss to piss, but then you fart and the pressure is released so you cant piss anymore

Damn bro, my massive piss was just ruined by a piss fart

by The poop-dealer July 7, 2021


So ugly it reminds you of piss. Could also refer to how they smell with the small of piss

Bob: Oh dude Stephanie is kinda hot
Jorge: Nah dude she's piss-ugly
Bob: You gay?

by pee pee 3 July 21, 2019

squirrel pissing

bullshitting/overreacting to everything

Guy: You did what with him?!?
Girl: Calm down, nothing happened. Stop squirrel pissing.

by That_Guy_Is_Awesome February 28, 2011

Scuba Piss

To dip the tip of one's penis into the toilet water before urinating, thus peeing silently.

"You can use my bathroom but please be quiet, Scoop"
"No problem, I'll just take a scuba piss"

by texthetransmuter November 15, 2021

piss flanked

When you're girlfriend says she's pregnant and won't piss on a pregnancy test

I was piss flanked again this week George... Only got 4 weeks to go and I'll try it again.

by Petesbeeps August 18, 2017

Straight Cat Piss

Expression/Insult of failing, being bad, or sucking

Wife,Husband, Tinder date, Ex Girlfriend, Bros...etc

Dude this food is terrible...”straight cat piss

Dude this kid just killed me...he is “straight cat piss”

by KizzyKCarter December 23, 2020