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72 Seasons

A Metallica album released on April 14, 2023.
Also the title track for the album.

"72 Seasons came out of a book I was reading about childhood, basically, and sorting out childhood as an adult. And 72 seasons is basically the first 18 years of your life. How do you evolve and grow and mature and develop your own ideas and identity of self after those first 72 seasons? - James Hetfield

Person 1 "Yo did you listen to 72 Seasons yet?"
Person 2 "Yeah but kirks solos are not great!"

by Only nonces dislike my post May 24, 2023

Malboro 72

Just like a regular Malboro red, but what the hell.. it's like 3 inches long.

Customer : Let me get a box of Malboro Reds.

Indian man : Sorry, we are all sold out

Customer : What the **** kind of **** is this...

Indian man : We do have Malboro 72's though

Customer : Is that a real cigarette?

by Spezter January 23, 2009

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A current time anomaly that keeps the world looping back to 1972.

Even though I know it’s 2018... I feel like the infamous β€˜loop’72’ has brought us backwards in time... to 1972.

by Major Thomas February 13, 2018

72 virgins

72 virgins refers to an unverified hadith in Islam that says believers in heaven may receive 72 maiden women. However this hadith is unverified and possibly fabricated, as authentic hadith points more to 2 maiden women, not 72. This trope has been popularized in media and satire.

72 virgins? Really? Sounds made up dude! I think it's more like 2 maiden women.

by GregoryTeplan August 1, 2023


It has a better ring from 73-9.

73-9 Is nice, but 72-10 has a better ring to it.

by Giannis7177 December 1, 2016

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Rule 72

everyone is secretly gay/lesbian. no exceptions.

Guy1: that chick is hot
Guy2:Rule 72....
Guy1:but maybe...
Guy2: don't even try to argue with Rule 72. no exceptions.

by ThatCrazyGuy November 22, 2010

39πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

ATR 72

the ATR72 is built by ATR. American Eagle, the regional airline company of American Airlines under the AMR Corporation, refers to its ATR 72s as "The Super ATRs". These models are twin-turboprop short-haul regional airliners. The ATR 42 seats up to 60 passengers, while the ATR 72 seats 74 passengers. Both aircraft are operated by a two person crew.

I hate flying American Eagle, they fly those shit ATR 72's. I swear those things are such a piece of shit, next time we'll fly Air Tran to Freeport.

by bigjt November 26, 2006

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž