Source Code


When a woman is bent over-(resembling the number 7)
And a man is licking her asshole while on his knees behind her ( resembling the number 2 )
( If you look at the number 72 closely, you can visualize it the way you visualize the number -69- as two people)

I bent that bitch over and gave her the 72 before i banged her doggy style.

by SHAOLIN CAVEMAN August 26, 2006

398๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boy (or girl) you had a creepy, slightly obsessive crush on in high school, often one of a person who lives a distance of away from you.

In reference to the poem quote 'I think of you seventy-two times a day...'

"Why is Jonah acting so weird about Sophie?"
"She's his 72"
"Pahaha ohhhhh"

by Cherrymarie March 31, 2015

66๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Three days off in a row.

I taking a 72 this weekend.

by Phakebox August 5, 2005

308๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


The 72nd number from zero.

guy1- Whats your favorite number?

by Wil L. March 30, 2005

217๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun - The number of virgins that a terrorist is given after blowing up their target. (virgins' genders may vary)

BOOM!.......Are you my 72 virgins?...Ah shit...

by obamapproved May 24, 2009

99๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


69 but with 3 fingers

damn i 72'd that bitch

by hillary2005 October 9, 2009

86๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


baddie i would fuck.
/a feeling or a condition after loosing a a 10/10 baddie.

-yoo look at this 72
-shes out your league bro.

by Dywanik April 16, 2023