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ninja pacifier

The ninja pacifier is an engineering marvel created by Tyler Blevins.

"Ninja pacifiers. I want your babies sucking on that."

by big nuts 700 November 9, 2020

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evacuation pacifier

A device that aids in the passage of time while having a No.2 (aka poo). Generally used by men rather than the ladies as they see it as less is more with regards to time taken.

In ancient times this was limited to the daily rag (newspaper), however with the introduction of new technology this endeavour has been made all the more pleasurable.

Common modern day evacuation pacifiers are:
Mobile phone (with Internet)
Mobile phone (with game worms being the best)
Game Boy advanced
Nintendo DS.

While sitting on the toilet feeling pretty board I decided to use my evacuation pacifier check the football results on my phone and then play a game of snake.

by Diveboy (paul v) October 11, 2006

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Plutocratic Pacifiers

Corrupt politicians, who take political campaign contributions in exchange for selling the collective representative authority of their constituents and their constituents' constitutional rights to empower a wealthy minority to oppress, exploit and enslave the democracy the elected representatives were charged to promote and defend.

Republicans and democrats have proven themselves to be plutocratic pacifiers with their unfounded war in Iraq, corporate bail outs and refusal to reform a corrupt financial system that destroyed the American Dream for millions of Americans.

by Wisdom Seeker June 6, 2015

Satan's pacifier

Puritan slang for buttplug.

And I exhort you, men and women of Salem, indulge not in ingesting Satan's pacifier!

by saccharine delight December 21, 2013

nicotine pacifier

What cigarettes really are, just a grown up version of a pacifier.

John went on break, he needed to suck on his nicotine pacifier.

by Pelrin April 24, 2018

man pacifiers

A reference to a females hard nipples, usually the thicker ones.

I dont wanna hear his bullshit today so soon as he comes in I'll let him suck on my man pacifiers.

by RemyRedd December 29, 2006

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arabian pacifier

When a man tucks his penis and balls in between his legs so they are visible from a posterior view (mangina) and a woman performs oral sex on him.

I had the best date ever last night because it ended with an arabian pacifier.

by Mike The Sargeant December 25, 2010

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