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Strangling Antler

The act of masturbating before work

Sorry Iโ€™m late, Iโ€™ve spent most of my morning strangling antler

by hero_of_kvatch August 26, 2021

sack of antlers

what someone who has lost a lot of weight looks like, similar to a wrinkly bag with bones sticking out

Check out Bertha - she used to be such a fat fuck, but since she lost 200 pounds she really looks like a sack of antlers.

by Hung like Zach December 11, 2008

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antler job

Mutual oral sex, commonly referred to as "69", performed while driving a car with one's partner's legs sticking out of the sun roof or T-top.

Damn, baby, how about an antler job?

by Joe Bone March 7, 2005

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ass antler

tattoo appearing just above an ass crack

Her pants are cut so low you can see her ass antlers.

by Dman1 October 23, 2007

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Antler Dance

Wild panic, represented by running around with hands in the air. Such panic vaguely looks like an impersonation of a reindeer with antlers, hence the naming of the term. Antler Dancing indicates that a person is extremely worried but not doing anything to fix a problem, just wasting time or performing fruitless activities.

The fire was spreading and people should have grabbed the extinguishers, but everyone was too busy doing the antler dance.

The supervisor's big presentation is due in an hour, but instead of getting it finished, he's just antler dancing.

by SaucyWench April 27, 2016

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Moose Antlers

Slang for a fourfold vibrator. Often used in connection with a sexual act called Canada's History.

Girl 1:
Did you manage to clean your Moose Antlers? After studying Canada's History last week they were a sticky mess!

Girl 2: I got rid of most of the maple syrup by hand, but after putting them in the dishwasher they now are as good as new.

by LittleStevieC February 6, 2010

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slag antlers

The tattoo on the small of a womans back. Also see Tramp Stamp.

slag antlers are revolting

by Adamyesadam July 26, 2006

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