Source Code

Clam Basket

When a female drops trow and presses her bare ass and mule lip up against a restaraunt window while the victim is eating. Female version of the fruit basket.

These shitty nacos were kicking my gag reflex until Lisa Loadlapper gave me the clam basket. I'd sure like to fill her cooch with my load.

by Tommyshocker November 18, 2005

73πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

berry basket

Simply a scrotum, nutsack, etc.

I shaved my berry basket on Tuesday and now it itches.

by dirtyjeff March 17, 2008

45πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

self basket

when you masturbate while laying on your back and shoot cum into your own mouth.

Blaine enjoys a nice protein shot, so he enjoys making a self basket every night.

by SpeedyTaco May 25, 2014

Cheese Basket

A dirty, hairy whore's crotch. Slightly sweaty, very moist and a stank you can smell through clothes. Especially thin stretch pants. Has the external appearance of curdled yogurt.

Watch that crack whore braaaahhh. She'll fuck for a fix. But she's got the worst cheese basket. I know. I needed a spoon for that Yoplait she had culturing down there.

by Eaton Holgoode March 17, 2017

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bitch basket

A Volkswagen Cabriolet (Cabrio convertible), so characterized due to the car's chronically indelible resemblance to a picnic basket. The attribution of the title "bitch" to the driver of said conveyance is purely speculation.

"Are you going to meet us at the movies in your fucking bitch basket?"

by Sean March 10, 2004

125πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Basket Dweller

One who leaves folded laundry in a basket and is too lazy to put it away

-β€œSteven, those clothes have been sitting in the basket for a month!”
-β€œYou’re such a basket dweller.”

by TheRockObama August 16, 2020

Niggie Basket

When u get harpooned in Fortnite.

i pulled him near me with my harpoon, therefore he is in my niggie basket. If he shall die by my harpoon, he is then in my eternal niggie basket.

by Philtra May 24, 2020