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Addicted to shopping at major outlets, specifically homewares, appliances and food. Tends to spend large amounts of time browsing, but when purchases are made they are often extreme and large.

"That person is such a Borg, they basically purchased the entire third aisle of Costco" or "I'm going to Borg this weekend"

by Jman257 October 15, 2018


A professional thrower!

"Stop being such a borg"

by Rusty Wheeler May 7, 2021


Borg is a wonderful mixed drink that consists of 4 ingredients: a water jug, a whole handle of a vodka of your choice, a whole bottle of Mio, and the confidence in yourself to think that you can drink it without blacking out. Originally created in Nashville, TN from high school kids at Montgomery Bell Academy, borg has spread far and wide across the country reaching all parts of America. Pour half of the gallon of water out, pour the whole handle of vodka in, and pour the whole bottle of Mio in, and there you have it; your very own blackout juice.

Noun- We’re drinking borg tonight, it’s gonna get ugly.
Verb- I heard Sam was borging last night.

by Canonsunset August 29, 2021


1. A fictional collective-minded cybernetic species on the TV show "Star Trek" On thhe show the Borg are an unstoppible force as they will eventually adapt to all your weapons and there simply is more of them then anyone else.

2. To steal or absorb


2. "John Borged my Sterio!"

by Ari February 22, 2005

29πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Cell phone addicts. Incapable of going anywhere or doing anything without continuous connection to others of their sub-species via electronic devices fastened to the sides of their heads.

A borg T-boned Junior's ambulance yesterday. She was too busy yapping on the phone to notice the red light OR Junior's lights and sirens.

by Silverbullet November 23, 2006

25πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Big Orange Retail Giant = Home Depot.
Used by online woodworking/tool community.

I only needed some 2x2's and screws, so I made a quick trip to the borg.

by sblanchard1 May 26, 2005

19πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The act of engaging in sexual intercourse with anyone whose last name is Borg.

I got a good borging last night from Louis

by Borgington April 14, 2011

18πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž