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One of the shittiest professions...One that causes much depression, psychosis, anger, jealousy, frustration, and anxiety. It is extremely degrading. They never pay people what they are worth; the workers have to deal with a bunch of crap while getting paid peanuts.

I had to go to therapy after working in retail for a decade.

People treat me like I'm stupid because I work in retail.

I work at a retail job where people don't get raises, but instead there's a shitty "Employee of the Month" reward.

I work in retail; therefore, I cannot afford to pay back my student loans or take nice vacations.

by Irene October 17, 2004

625๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


A reminder as to the benefits of a corporate job. Sure, you may have a stiff neck from eye strain, but its beats anything vs. a job where you're treated as sub-human, have to meet sales deadlines, and will make piss poor change from commission. Also every month of December is treated as hell due to Christmas.

Person 1: "I fucking hate my corporate job; doing the same shit every day."

Person 2: "Highly doubt its worse than retail. Because its horrible being a depressed sales person."

by senthurmanz June 12, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A revisit to the same babe you got a piece of tail from before.

He was so horny he decided to go retail the fine babe he saw last week.

by Words Are Us April 22, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


The profession of most homosexual males. This implies that the individual's income and sophistication is limited. Working class gay.

I don't want to go out with him. He's retail. Everyone at this club is retail.

by milf December 4, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž


Awesome, excellent, fantastic.

That concert last weekend was retail.

"Hey, I got an A on my bio midterm!"

by jimbothetapeworm March 23, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


Young women who work at department stores.

At first, I had considered fast food, but then I saw the ReTail girl at the clothing store. I chose to get some ReTail.

by DaddyAZ September 12, 2008

40๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


Young women who work at department stores.

At first, I had considered fast food, but then I saw the ReTail at the clothing store. I chose to get some ReTail.

by DaddyAZ September 12, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž