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bram cohen

1. The developer of the file sharing method known as Bit torrent.
2. The person who is attributed as the cause of everything that does not work or fails to function.

1. Damn bit torrent is hot! Props to my man bram cohen!
2. The f***ing movie is stuck at 99.99% and my cheese toaster doesn't work, its that bastard bram cohen again!

by Zam March 29, 2004

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bram stoker

verb; to do the damn thing.

"Bram Stoker that shit!"

by jeeeyuh December 20, 2006

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bleesty bramful

Something said by pirates.

Hikeeba, Rasro, Bleesty Bramful!

by Prophet August 20, 2003

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dirty bram

When you go to your friends hairs to wank in their bathroom while working your nose infection all over you cum stained phone case

I just dirty brammed in my freinds house

by Rtebbs the great July 27, 2021

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Date Bram November

November is national Date Bram month, so celebrate by dating a sexy, sexxxxxy hot young man named Bram.

I can’t wait to celebrate Date Bram November!

by Sexmaster12345 November 5, 2019

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Bram Hooft

Bram Hooft is an African american pornstar known for his masturbation videos. He is extremely gay and is usually found browsing Thugposts in his free time.

Oh, I love watching Bram Hooft jack it on his onlyfans page.

by derekenjoyer123 June 7, 2023

Bram Brows

A freaking st00pid Cleric in the game Neverwinter Nights

Bram Brows is the character of Flip Trip

by Dood3t December 6, 2010