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If you ever meet a Bram never let him out of your sight, keep him close. He will always be there for you, even when you back stab him. He can be hard and cold at times but when you get to know him he is very warm and welcoming. He tends to be a joker, he loves to get people to laugh and smile. He also is competitive, he like to win, and hates when people tell him he cant win. Brams are also very smart. Smart in several areas actually, especially math and science. They hate getting compliments but love giving them. They are outgoing, funny, handsome, and wonderful to be around. If you ever meet a Bram, or get a chance to date one, it won't be something you regret.

"Bram is sooo good at sports, and so smart. Why is he so perfect?"

by 19e8w9 November 13, 2018

185πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The most awesome person on Earth. He is awesome, funny, amazing, and what ever you can think off. He always is there to aid you, and he always WINS!

We've all got a friend who's called Bram!

by iLikePie September 7, 2011

581πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


Bram: the hottest guy around.

Bram is very hot.

by juicy rivier March 21, 2019

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Noun. A joker, a comical character, a good time guy or gal, a funster. From the cockney rhyming slang 'what a joker, what a Bram Stoker, what an absolute bram.'

Related: to bram bramming brameraderie 'This could have some serious bramifications'

Greg did (funny thing). What a bram!

by RealCaro November 7, 2010

139πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


Male Reproductive organ

WOW! you have a huge Bram!

by Bramasaurus REX August 18, 2010

180πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Bram’s are funny, respectfull, kind and have a great taste of style. They have a creative mind and everybody love them.
If brams dont like you they will be saying what he thinks of you but if he do likes you you can talk whit them for hours. Brams are they best people to be friends with if you are good friends whit them there give everything the have to you. Brams have beautifull light green or blue eyes.

Every body wants a friend like Bram!

by Bramcalis November 4, 2019


Bram is a middle name given to people who speak English but want to have a Dutch name, just incase they want to go to a Dutch school.

"Jah bram - you have such a dutch name"

by TheKemp June 28, 2018